Originally Posted by CrazyNinja View Post
I didn't say I was giving him a "no" just for his grammar. I was just reminding him, because in my opinion good grammar gives the clan a better impression.

I never said you were. I was just stating to no "Grade" him on his grammar.
2nd Dan
Can I join? My game names 0DD, blue belt, and i want to join because i need a clan for tourneys and stuff.
Originally Posted by CrazyNinja View Post
I didn't say I was giving him a "no" just for his grammar. I was just reminding him, because in my opinion good grammar gives the clan a better impression.

Hence why some clans are better (a LOT better) than others. Not that I'm saying any names. <.< >.>

Originally Posted by 0DD
Can I join? My game names 0DD, blue belt, and i want to join because i need a clan for tourneys and stuff.

Not exactly the best of reasons to join.
It's been 1 day. We haven't forgotten about you. Try to find MBK online or in IRC and arrange a fight, so he can test you.
I don't actually play. Very often. If you want me, schedule a time. Don't count on luck.
Originally Posted by Evil_Lemon View Post
wat happened to me-,-

Its that kind of attitude that makes us not want people. -.-
i versed evil_lemon in judo (his preferred mod), hes pretty good in starters but need more practice after the first turnframes.
Originally Posted by imok View Post
i versed evil_lemon in judo (his preferred mod), hes pretty good in starters but need more practice after the first turnframes.

To me it sounds like he practices a lot in single player.
2nd Dan