Originally Posted by God View Post
My App

Name: God (That's right)
Belt: 100th dan (12800QI)
Why I wanna join: Cause I feel like it
What I can offer: Stuffs
Extra Info: lolno


Originally Posted by bucksheen View Post
Name: bucksheen
Belt: Blue nearly Brown
Age: 14
Specialty: Texture sets
Mod: Wushu ; Aikido
Why: I have been looking for a clan for a while now and I've been acepted in a few but non of them are organised. I hate unorganised clans because you never know wats going on. I've also seen some [NO] players online and they have dominated the multiplayer, they were kind and humble, I want to be apart of this!
What will I offer: I will offer you a clan set, texture sets, video's, tc, skills and honesty, kindness and humbleness on multiplayer
Past Clans: Knotz ; Pigs ; JollyA
Belt Issue: I know my belt is probably to low for you to accept but belt just show how long you've been playing not skill.
Posts: My posts are probably also low but im bringing them up fast!
Replays: I've attached some of my replays but my good ones got lost when my PC got struck by lighning

...and no.
Originally Posted by bucksheen View Post
Why not?

Because you think we care about skill and postcount.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Originally Posted by Delaid View Post
Hey, people. New want to join thread, mainly because, NO's recruitment process has been changed to a highly selective, invitation only-ish clan. If you express interest in joining, feel free to post here, but keep in mind that this is no guarantee that you will be even considered.
Hanz0 and I will decide who we invite to the clan, and then members can vote on them. Majority rules.

Please only post your interest to join once, and if you've been told no already, don't post at all.

EDIT: Do not post here if you have never seen us before, or if you've only associated with us a few times. Most clan members should know who you are before you even consider posting. Try getting to know us in our IRC channel, #no, or in-game.

I withhold the right to frankly reject you without reason with an amusing stamp, as does hanz0. If anyone else does, feel free to be discouraged, but it is not a final decision.

I've bolded the parts that apply to you.

<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Originally Posted by evil View Post
sheesh...leel always kills all the fun. baaw -_-

Love you too evil :]
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH