Ingame name : Darkdemonx
Name : Mike
age : 15
references : mega7force , tmanninja , suiguetsu
belt : 3rd dan black belt
usercard :
favorite mods : Aikidobigdojo.tbm and taekkyon.tbm
how long i have been playing : on this acc , 10 moths +-
why i want to join 42 ? because is one amazing clan , and this clan is for pros , and for good players , and [42] will improve my skils , and i'm searching new friendships .
Why we should pick me instead of someone else : because i play everyday , and i'm good at aikidobigdojo.tbm [Rank under 70] and takkeyon [rank under 100] but [42]will improve my tk skills ² and i belive this clan will make me one toribash figther
activity ingame : very very high | forums : medium , [because i started to post 1 month ago ]

looking good so far darkdemon, although i think you misunderstood the references part but that's fine

But before anybody makes a decision we need to see some replays of you in action.
My shop lolno he applied to like three clans at the same time, torigods being one of them. His app to 42 is pretty much a copy and paste of his previous apps, rejected
Last edited by dillon207; Jun 15, 2011 at 04:27 AM.
Rogue clown
you wouldnt be saying lol when you get rejected to all of your clan application
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020