Originally Posted by Edsonmilan View Post
In-Game Name:Edsonmilan
Belt/Qi: blue belt 267 qi
Age: 12
Reference from any member(s) of the clan: vladvlad
Reference from notable any person(s):
Join Date: april 2010
GMT (TimeZone): gmt-9
Preferred modes: Wushu, and judo
Previous clans: N/A
Why do you want to join: because i want to be on a clan and play with masters
Why should we let you join: Im a nice person and i dont bother the people
Ban history: N/A

Im good, i have 12 years old, i play the drums just Metal!!!, i LOVE METALLICA, i like the animals, i am a little skilled in 3d (2 days hehe), i have facebook, i and a white person, i like skateboarding (especially urban).

I play toribash every day 2 times i am almost all the day connected in forums and in toribash, And when i do 3d is always games hehe.

Proud member of [Pandora]
Originally Posted by vladvlad View Post
His sentence sounds kinda racist to me xD

i agree. it's as though he thinks we honestly care what your skin color is.

so basically, do not want

Im sorry I cant speak to any one with grammer that bad... I is skilled in are being a blueblooded bartending fuck.. IS ARE I IS ARS EIS FFUCKKKKKKKKKKKK
In-Game Name:wwolfer
Belt/Qi:3dan got it 1 day ago ><
Age: 14 for few days
Reference from any member(s) of the clan:no
Reference from notable any person(s):no
Join Date:may 2009
GMT (TimeZone):+1
Preferred modes:im good at all exept judo
Previous clans:BlindFury
Why do you want to join:well....loooks like good clan and i think mine skilz can bring good to this clan
Why should we let you join:i can beat the crap out of ya all joke xD well im good person and player
Ban history:dont have it....never was banned,only have infraction or 2
last replay-the second 1 on list....btw musaranho1 is also mine account
so wut u think?