Originally Posted by Alien View Post
1500 is member, 2000 is senior member and 2500 is ub3r I think, which is where I'm at. Then the next one is at 5k.

Pretty sure it's like this :
0 posts - Junior Member
30 posts - Member
500 posts - Senior Member
1500 posts - Ub3r
Correct me if im wrong.
Forever Member
Join I'm Clan!
0 - 29 Posts - Junior Member
30 - 499 Posts - Member
500 - 1499 Posts - Senior Member
1500 - 2499 Posts - Forumite
2500 - 3499 Posts - ub3r
3500 - 4499 Posts - Raconteur
4500 - 5999 Posts - Chatterbox
6000 - 9000 Posts - Elitist
9001+ Posts - Flagrant Meme

That's it


I won't be active for a while because my friend dared me to beat super mario sunshine by the end of Friday. Wish me luck.
I couldn't think of a signature so i just put this here.
Originally Posted by XNomadic View Post
I won't be active for a while because my friend dared me to beat super mario sunshine by the end of Friday. Wish me luck.

Come back as a winner ty.
I'll be your replacement until you come back.