i'ma comment on the second replay.
Opener was fucking awesome. That wushu-mushu martial artsy hand swish you did was just very cool!
Raiz was awesome af! You're movements in -30.00 is just insanely good.
I'm sorry i don't really comment on realism replays because i'm not a realism replaymaker but i can definitely tell that your movements are top notch.

Here's my replay.
Attached Files
i still suck at dms .rpl (311.2 KB, 5 views)

heroman kouta tricking 1: nothing much to say about this replay to be honest, because nothing is actually "bad" to my eyes but at the same time nothing is very impressive. However, I think it's noticeable how your creativity and movement can decay in quality when you're tricking in mp, probably because you aren't that used to tricking plus this was mp, so it's natural to look less fluid (I guess).
Your flow overall was good anyway, so dont worry about it too much, but there are a few "mistakes" I dont see you make often. First, your weird landing after that (beautiful) cork in 1125; second, the cartwheel (?) straight after this landing had your flow heavily damaged imo, wrong use or lack of use of relaxes and holds more precisely I'd guess
Something I couldnt avoid noticing is your opener, I did a very similar opener quite some time ago and I've never really seen someone else do that too. Our movements look hella different but the trick is almost the same, I'll drop the replay here

guzzy zombie spar: The zombie acting there really looked amazing, good job with arms and neck work because it was flawless (in terms of zombie acting xD). Something that kinda kills the "zombie flow" is the way and frequency you spin but that's just that.
I absolutely LOVED the way you "swing" to straighten your legs by using your arms in 1285. Bonus points for the sexy smack/bite because it also looked very realistic

nike heroman super realism: I dont what the fuck nike meant by "super realism" but he probably thought of spar the same way I do, without fancy and unnecessary spins and all shit that toribash people are used to. Instead he tried straight up to fight you in a "80s fighting/action movie" fashion or something, which is more or less what I always try to do, and exactly what binklaws does with mastery.
im just gonna cnc your stuff here because im tired of typing
I gotta say I liked the smoothness of your opener a lot, but I wish it was a little less stiff when you "backstep", I think you should've relaxed your right knee after being in mid air but that isnt a big deal.
Really good startup for a "realistic fight" imo, although tricking is always doubtful for realistic fights. Your dodges and arms usage are COMPLETELY INSANE, because gawd this was f*king amazing, but I wish your "head" looked less twitchy (?) because looks like you duck all of sudden. Again, isnt that of a big issue but still I had to mention.
Also the flip thing around frame 680 was weird, and the trick afterwards unnecessary, but that's just me.
Everything else looked very very good, for real, have it in mind. But I dont want waste my will to cnc by writing a big boi text only complimenting you so I'll just skip that.


i still suck at dms: in short, good execution but you're keeping it simple, as usual. I'm not sure too but i think you're recycling openers, because I feel like I've already seen that opener.
Now going a little deeper into the analysis: opener is very good and smooth, but lacks in creativity (a problem I always had tbh), although is works very well I wish I could see some more movement showcase from you, simply for the sake of being entertained. The lift kick looked great too, amazingly good form (which is rare among madmans) and put you and uke in a good position.
DM looked awesome too, what I like the most is the symmetry, then the fact that it was all at once, and then that there was a joint between 2 dms that didnt.

I'll drop here the rpl I mentioned to heroman, so there is no need to cnc that
and a parkour wip
already finished the parkour
Attached Files
Tricking #2.rpl (471.7 KB, 6 views)
jisse_cyber_parkour.tbm (23.1 KB, 3 views)
Parkour #7 - Cyber Parkour.rpl (723.6 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Lionet; Feb 5, 2019 at 08:02 PM.
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

you didnt follow the rules but I'll give you a few comments
main rule of this thread is: cnc the replay above yours before posting

oh this kind of mas is really sweet to watch
I like the creativity and variety of moves, and how you react to the hits you get
your movement is kinda sharp, just a few twitches here and there but overall it looks very good.
What I liked the most was your "push" with your leg, and the way you reacted to his kick

I wish the MAS was longer ;^(
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

another one bites the dust
Attached Files
sparring the124 v3.rpl (812.9 KB, 5 views)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Lionet, sparing looks so good, i have no idea how you can do it online, i can't do any acrobatic moves in sp, but you make it real online, great, i like it.

Here is my best replays, check it out please.
Attached Files
Pause - Blocked.rpl (257.7 KB, 13 views)
Pause - Mc Donavan.rpl (240.2 KB, 10 views)
Pause - One of legion.rpl (234.8 KB, 12 views)
Pause - own Gates.rpl (175.4 KB, 10 views)
Pause - Moment.rpl (247.4 KB, 11 views)
Pause - Limitless.rpl (164.9 KB, 8 views)
|If u want to be commented, comment first :)|ORMO|
Blocked: Good opener, a bit different than the usual where people flow only to one side, but the way your first half-spin made your opposite spin look way more powerful (more than it really was) gives a special touch to your opener.
"Gatling" uke with kicks always look awesome to me so good job on that, but I personally would change a tiny detail. When you look at your second kick around frame 357, you'll notice you completely contracted your knee, which is something very harmful to your string of fast kicks because it takes more time to extend again due to your momentum moving your leg forward, and also kills your momentum when you extend because physics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I personally would just keep my knee semi-contracted through the whole move and maybe I could be able to even get another kick
Good job overall man

Mc Donavan: your openers have a really unique style, this one isnt much different from previous one. The way you got into that position was weird but the way you jumped really paid off, I loved it
The last dm was pretty cool too

im only cnc'ing these two for now because im lazy. But, overall, what zibril said is pretty accurate, your movement has potential because you know how to move well but doesnt seem like you actually care about making your movement impressive. Your opener usually have the same fashion which is pretty cool and it's one of my favorite points in your replays. Your dms are in another level, you're insane at boomhits
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

I don't understand how you can get dms like that. Whenever I try to make an ukebash I can't really get dms easily. You are stiff which doesn't really look that good, and a few of your moves look... slow? I don't really know how to put it. Overall though, pretty good.

Hi, I'm rusty as hell and here's my first replay in months. The replay may be a little bugged, I don't know why
Attached Files
Instep - M - Tres.rpl (266.3 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by Instep; Feb 9, 2019 at 03:23 PM.
"It doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful"
My replay thread