Originally Posted by Lorrtex View Post
all i've seen so far is anti-trump supporters assaulting/robbing trump supporters, especially black people who are attacking them because "voting for trump = RACISTESER"

hilarious because all they're doing in the end is justifying the "racists" reasons for voting for trump

Similar things happened during the campaign process for Trump supporters too. A buddy of mine was at a Hillary conference or what ever, and a bunch of Trump supporters where waiting outside with big rocks and shit.

Hate spreads hate. Trump put a lot of hate based ideals into his campaign, so what else are you going to expect when he gets elected?

Just saying, I hate them both #stayinginaholefor4years
oh don't get me wrong, both candidates are terrible, & each side's behavior has been absolutely disgusting throughout the election

i just found it especially funny that the way the anti-trump crowd has reacted to the situation has just confirmed the fears/reasons the other side may have had for voting for trump
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Originally Posted by Virus View Post
Why do weebs get triggered so easily

I broke my drone :c, well, my sister and I did... once I finish making the DJI F450 I guess she can hopefully fly that without breaking it.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
I broke my drone :c, well, my sister and I did... once I finish making the DJI F450 I guess she can hopefully fly that without breaking it.

I had one of the large parrot drones a while ago. I broke it very badly.
I like the parrot bebop, maybe because it's the only Jazz style I like, and I also love Cowboy bebop... Although tbh... Most of the parrot drones are a bit meh... DJI Is mostly better in almost everything :u A much more professional range.

Although I have been thinking about getting my sister a Parrot PF723300 Minidrone Evo to play around with, since it's a nice and simple drone she can control with her ipod. Although I think I'll just help her build her own DJI drone... as they're better
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions