ok let's get active

Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post

cul, I got an achievement. After only like 4 weeks :k

grats! planning on msquad?

Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
My brudur got mugged by some bum.
The bum's in jail now, and my brother got nothing more then a couple bruises.
I got fairly pissed when I heard.
Lucky for my brother the same day an 85 year old man went missing, so their were cop cars everywhere. The guy got caught before he managed to run across the street :k
Also, apparently he hits like a woman.

oh wow. that's quite a bad (for your brother) and embarassing (for the bum) story. the bum was probably waiting for the best time to get arrested :v

Originally Posted by Butler153 View Post
In my country if we get mugged, it's either a knife to our throat, a gun to our head or
they're holding a broken bottle.. the thing is that they hardly ever get caught/arrested

Originally Posted by chamara View Post
That sucks dscigs. In Turkey, they don't mug you, they rape you, cut you to pieces and throw you in the thrash.


in here if it's a mug in public they ask "what time is it?" (as in "do you have a clock?" (as in "can you tell me the hours?")). then you have two choices:
say yes = mug
say no = you're free

if it's a robbery/assault they either use real weapons or plastic knives like some years ago

Originally Posted by Vordred View Post
Sup guys.

Haven't posted here in quite a while (since you got official, really).

hi vordred we're doing great ty for the ask h r u?
Originally Posted by Vordred View Post
Sup guys.

Haven't posted here in quite a while (since you got official, really).

Nothing much, how about you? Also good luck about the clan, it's appearently going pretty good.
I played a waterpolo game today.. we lost 10-1 because some people didn't know what to do..
I ended up getting the ball and I swam like the whole pool, and as I was about to tread hard to get higher and then shoot, some guy came and grabbed me.. he got foul'd but I couldn't take a shot because I was on the corner of the goals.. I could've taken a shot but the goal keeper would've saved it..
Has this happened to any of you guys in any other sport?
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Originally Posted by Butler153 View Post
I played a waterpolo game today.. we lost 10-1 because some people didn't know what to do..
I ended up getting the ball and I swam like the whole pool, and as I was about to tread hard to get higher and then shoot, some guy came and grabbed me.. he got foul'd but I couldn't take a shot because I was on the corner of the goals.. I could've taken a shot but the goal keeper would've saved it..
Has this happened to any of you guys in any other sport?

i've played waterpolo once. it was really fun since it was an all mix (ages, genders and nationalities) match, not even competitive
I'm sorry, sometimes I just can't contain my aura of massive hotness.

My new high school gave laptops to all students, since they're made for programming you are able to play whatever game you please.
Currently have all Assassins Creed games on it, playing them once again from start to finish before the new one releases!

We will start programming an actual game next year, pumped.
Originally Posted by ZeTo View Post
Laptops to all students, since they're made for programming you are able to play whatever game you please.

we need to use school computers or our own.
Originally Posted by ZeTo View Post
Currently have all Assassins Creed games on it, playing them once again from start to finish before the new one releases!

Bullshut, I have to pay for all of mine.
Sometimes I wish I could live in a country that trusted us to use their laptops and give them back when you're finished with them...
I can't even take my own laptop to school seeing as it'll probably get stolen..
Also, what are you guys up to?
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Originally Posted by Butler153 View Post
Sometimes I wish I could live in a country that trusted us to use their laptops and give them back when you're finished with them...
I can't even take my own laptop to school seeing as it'll probably get stolen..
Also, what are you guys up to?

Luckily, nothing of importance is ever stolen from me.
Except the lock to my locker. :k

I'm actually doing something productive.
Woarking on a new vid, it's rather classy.