Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post
First of all
thx for acceptance
Second of all
can someone introduce me to all clan member,the one i only know is Rap

oh well hai ther.. meeting all the members will be a problem, but the active members should be accomplishable
I'm a fucking professional!
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
The ranks we do have are there to denote role, not status

oh... i thought i did have some status. too bad

Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post

can someone introduce me to all clan member,the one i only know is Rap

smart advice, do not meet Takkrala or Adrian. unless you can take a joke.

good advice.

Last edited by Takkrala; Oct 25, 2011 at 10:13 PM.
Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post
First of all
thx for acceptance
Second of all
can someone introduce me to all clan member,the one i only know is Rap

You're welcome bro.
I'd suggest getting to know PhoenixWing, Laststand, Sc501, Kaitokwan, 123urdead, Dae67, Pivotbash, Supahninja, Takkrala, and TheNovato. All these guys are generally active really kind members. I'm sure you'll get along with them just fine and make some friends. A few have even welcomed you already x3 If you need any help adjusting, then feel free to let me know and I'll help you as much as I can. Anyways, I'd suggest hitting up a few of these members with a private message and getting to know them through there. x3 I'm sure you'll find your way just fine though. Anyways, welcome to the clan mate.

Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
oh... i thought i did have some status. too bad

Ess-Mi-D for status. Cx
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Well hello there, Mister Tricerafi.
How do you do?
I, too, am perfectly fine, thank you.
I would love to get to know you better.
Please, feel free to contact me via the private messaging system.

Your friend, SupahNinja.

[/pompous and unnecessarily formal greeting]
Guys, I'm going to be making new threads now, and also making additions onto those threads. x3 I'll also be taking a look at the policies as well, but I may not get to work on them until sunday. I'm still toying around with some general concepts and idea's in my head about how I'd like to do this.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by supahninja View Post
Well hello there, Mister Tricerafi.
How do you do?
I, too, am perfectly fine, thank you.
I would love to get to know you better.
Please, feel free to contact me via the private messaging system.

Your friend, SupahNinja.

[/pompous and unnecessarily formal greeting]

Good sir,

I ask you to refrain such insulting posts in this forum board.
Whilst everyone is addressing each other in an informal way then this is the kind of behavior that is unacceptable.
Due to you're co-leader status in this humble group of toribashians it seems it is only natural to address someone else with a formal way which is resembling you're status.
However as explained before by our dearest ''leader'' Rappunk23, you have no status.
If i still had my contacts which bestow power and status on me, i would've made sure you we're removed from this humble group of toribashians already.



Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
Good sir,

I ask you to refrain such insulting posts in this forum board.
Whilst everyone is addressing each other in an informal way then this is the kind of behavior that is unacceptable.
Due to you're co-leader status in this humble group of toribashians it seems it is only natural to address someone else with a formal way which is resembling you're status.
However as explained before by our dearest ''leader'' Rappunk23, you have no status.
If i still had my contacts which bestow power and status on me, i would've made sure you we're removed from this humble group of toribashians already.



Good sir,
I wish to point out your improper usage of the word "your".
Also, "were" does not have an apostrophe in the center, because it is not the contraction of "we are".
And I daresay that your claim of humility is deeply offset by your regret at your loss of power.
correct me if i wrong
Thread Invasion 1 is for Essence member only
Thread Invasion 2 is for Essence member and ally
Thread Invasion 3 is for I don't know
Thread Invasion 4 is for Anyone using /invade tags
Thread Invasion 5 is for leader and co leader

am i right?

/edit i just notice why Takkala didn't have mod power he is the leader am i right?
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
Good sir,

I ask you to refrain such insulting posts in this forum board.
Whilst everyone is addressing each other in an informal way then this is the kind of behavior that is unacceptable.
Due to you're co-leader status in this humble group of toribashians it seems it is only natural to address someone else with a formal way which is resembling you're status.
However as explained before by our dearest ''leader'' Rappunk23, you have no status.
If i still had my contacts which bestow power and status on me, i would've made sure you we're removed from this humble group of toribashians already.



Originally Posted by supahninja View Post
Good sir,
I wish to point out your improper usage of the word "your".
Also, "were" does not have an apostrophe in the center, because it is not the contraction of "we are".
And I daresay that your claim of humility is deeply offset by your regret at your loss of power.

Good sir,

You are both gay

And stupid



and definitely not in defenestration gaming