Originally Posted by HOBOHOBOHOBOHOBOHOBO View Post
starting up new in expert
looking for queers that wanna get rekd with me
add me on steam, my id : hobomoose

current roster -

m8 im in, added you, im snus
"No mortal arse can quench my thirst."
Originally Posted by HOBOHOBOHOBOHOBOHOBO View Post
starting up new in expert
looking for queers that wanna get rekd with me
add me on steam, my id : hobomoose

current roster -

deal i suck at this game but sounds like fun
cage the gargoyle
having a ton of fun in expert mode, very frustrating when fighting bosses, though.

i spent most of my time in the new world gathering stone and boreal wood (i fucking love boreal wood) because i've been a little inspired to make a huge underground base. it's not finished yet so it's not too great because of its simplicity, but i think it's pretty cool.

i have way too much time on my hands

EDIT: yaya fixed
by the way i just built the things over an existing cave so building was alot easier
Last edited by sSLight; Jul 4, 2015 at 03:56 PM.
Originally Posted by sSLight View Post
having a ton of fun in expert mode, very frustrating when fighting bosses, though.

i spent most of my time in the new world gathering stone and boreal wood (i fucking love boreal wood) because i've been a little inspired to make a huge underground base. it's not finished yet so it's not too great because of its simplicity, but i think it's pretty cool.


you have to add .png behind the image url
cage the gargoyle
i'll be putting stuffs into it when i have more time and resources (about mid-Hardmode) but i'm not really good at making rooms look good in terraria.
Basically farming bosses over and over and over and over in an underground base with healing lanterns scattered all over the place, with vampire knives. Ez boss kills.
Bringer of Hell

endgame stuff

big image test

my crappy treehouse.

I am liking the game so far, the updates have improved the quality of the game and I respect the developers for not just trying to add content but also improve things.
Such as being able to walk up 1 block like a step and stuff like that. Smooth.