Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post

Whenever I read these threads. My eyes explode from the art on your profiles/avvys.

Started with that, then kind of turned into a somewhat casual conversation.
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
Started with that, then kind of turned into a somewhat casual conversation.

Totally Agreed...Romanovsky, if you want to keep posting here, please register as an allie...This will let us more comfortable with your presence here.
No thanks, if I ally with you, you might get to comfortable and ask for my support. Which I never give.

Muur, I am the lord and savior Jesus Christ reincarnate. Anyhow, later.
^You have a server? PM me the IP.

Also, I just had to reset my laptop to factory defaults because this super-virus tore the shit out of my computer. But now all the Trojans/Spyware/Worms are gone, so i'll be more active now.
That reminds me of the time my friend went onto Google Images in one of our school library's computers and got four trojans, four worms, and some other big viruses.

Got blamed for that by the librarian.
Originally Posted by Rift View Post
^You have a server? PM me the IP.

Also, I just had to reset my laptop to factory defaults because this super-virus tore the shit out of my computer. But now all the Trojans/Spyware/Worms are gone, so i'll be more active now.

Had that problem once, some blast-worm virus kept shutting my computer down every 10 secs it was on, I was so pissed. But that was fixed, and that was years ago lol.
Big genital guy hmu ladies