At first, State you readed the rules and you accept all of them.
I have read the rules and I accept them
State what mods you can play. I mainly play Aikido because I think that is the mod with the least luck and more skill.
My style is I try to suplex or get them to dq in the dojo.

State whats your belt (At least 7th Dan).
I am a master belt
State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger.
This clan is where all the best players are and I think that I would be a good addition because I am also skilled
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of.

State why u left that clan.
Too new and they did not know what they were doing

State if you had any earlier accounts.
State what happened to those accounts.
I traded/sold this is my main now because its too risky to sell anymore

State past infractions/bans.
Post Date Expires Points Reason Posted By
[s] stuffz 02-19-2011
07:12 PM 03-01-2011
07:12 PM 2 Useless Post Gynx
Private 02-18-2011
10:04 PM 02-28-2011
10:04 PM 2 Useless Post Tinerr
Habitable planets 02-09-2011
07:23 PM Expired 2 Ignoring rules Hyde
[A] Selling Full... 01-20-2011
07:29 PM Expired 2 Ignoring rules Fee
[A] Selling Full... 01-18-2011
04:58 PM Expired 2 Useless Post Dalliance

State your timezone.
mountain -7
State your age.
Forum activity.
All the time

In game avtivity.
all the time

Vouchers (The guy who invited you).
No one

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that).
I like to hold events when i get tc
Some replays. k

I have never seen that jollyR member.

Thats why I am joining to get to know you guys.
Oh we've met, I have some fond memories of you.
*Cough* Massive ragequit and abusing lower belt after he said gg *cough*
Learn some respect War.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
I have no insulted anyone.
I have not heard of this guy I'm sorry.

Also, Sorry I meant no disrespect.
We don't accept who bought Qi/account.We may do an exception in future,but will be really hard that this will happen
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)