My App

Name: God (That's right)
Belt: 100th dan (12800QI)
Why I wanna join: Cause I feel like it
What I can offer: Stuffs
Extra Info: lolno
My Application
Name: bucksheen
Belt: Blue nearly Brown
Age: 14
Specialty: Texture sets
Mod: Wushu ; Aikido
Why: I have been looking for a clan for a while now and I've been acepted in a few but non of them are organised. I hate unorganised clans because you never know wats going on. I've also seen some [NO] players online and they have dominated the multiplayer, they were kind and humble, I want to be apart of this!
What will I offer: I will offer you a clan set, texture sets, video's, tc, skills and honesty, kindness and humbleness on multiplayer
Past Clans: Knotz ; Pigs ; JollyA
Belt Issue: I know my belt is probably to low for you to accept but belt just show how long you've been playing not skill.
Posts: My posts are probably also low but im bringing them up fast!
Replays: I've attached some of my replays but my good ones got lost when my PC got struck by lighning
Attached Files
snakey.rpl (35.7 KB, 3 views)
back decap.rpl (19.2 KB, 3 views)
smash spin.rpl (19.2 KB, 3 views)
Originally Posted by bucksheen View Post
I've also seen some [NO] players online and they have dominated the multiplayer
