i am not accpted? why
Forumite Moderated Message:
lol thinking i am noob and it's true!

You're quite pushy and I just don't think you're quite ready to join C3.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
please glow i am sorry.
Forumite Moderated Message:
lol thinking i am noob and it's true!
is this clan acceptting app like below?

i am xzasdeded i am a guy with 14 year old my real name is tyo (read:theo)i searching for clan i am a black belted guy and i join december 2010(before hack october 2010)i searching for clan and i joining this clan because i need a clan and it would be great if i joining thes clan and i will be permanent here if there any clan wars i searchin some friend that i never find a really nice friend ingame i am a nice player and i spent my time inforum about 4-7 hours and ingame i cant count the time coz i spent my time more than inforum you should accept me coz i am a good member.

accept me please
this bro applied for tint with the same app lol
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Application form:
Name: Mohit
Age: 14
Why I want to join: well, quite recently my clan has fallen apart. I'm looking for a new clan and C3 has always been on my eye as i was in C3 a long time ago. I know alot of the members in C3. I wanted to choose an active clan, and C3 is veery active.
Why I think you will accept me: I can make friends quickly. I like to buy art from the forums such as sets and other cool art I'm very smart and can help with clan situations. I'm active on the forum all the time, aswell as ingame. I'm very skilled at toribas. I'm very loyal and would be in this clan for a long time.
Originally Posted by Forumite View Post
i am read rules and accept it here's my application glow:
Name: Forumite
Belt/Rank: White belt Rank 0

Timezone (ex: -10gmt): -6 GMT
Best Mod(s):my best mods is wushu,pig_extremerun
Past Clan(s):none
Why do you wanna be in this clan?:because glow is my friend and i meet glow in the game and i want to be part of this clan and to feel how to be in clan
Tell us about yourself:my name is Net i am DJ In youtube and in the end i post some videos to show it and i love to play in toribash.
Forum/In-Game Activity:Forum active 3 hours in-game active 2 hours
How did you come to know of us (Optional):because i see alot of people say you'r awesome clan thanks for reading
i am accepted?

Nice grammar and spelling. Are you speaking in English, by any chance?

No-one gives a flying f*ck about that.

Ok, "Mr. Net", we don't care if you're a DJ on YouTube. So am I, and so are tons of people. And honestly, I don't particularly like your songs. My instinct was to Force Close my browser.

You spammed your post, making it huge (and I HATE it when people do that), and they still suck. For your information, most of us probably like to play Toribash.....

Our activity fluctuates. It doesn't matter as much about your forum activity nor ingame activity.

Oh, our clan is awesome, right? That's why if we accept you, it'll contradict our clan's reputation! :3

Watch the GIF to the end to see my vote.

Originally Posted by maxfire1 View Post
hi im max (maxfire1)
real name : alfred
age: 13
why i wanna join : becuase i belive this clan has potential and i want to have a chance to become a true clan member
why i think you'lle accept me : becuase i get along with people well and im not a bad player but very experienced
formite , dont bug the members of c3 becuase it'lle get you lower chances of getting in , so just sit and w8 , go ingame or somthin

This application isn't worth taking the time to use colors....


Choose your clans carefully. You don't pick one because you feel like you want to be in a clan.

We're experienced as well. That also goes for most of the black belts and up that apply to C3. You're not special in that aspect.

Originally Posted by Forumite View Post
please glow i am sorry.

Originally Posted by xzasdeded View Post
is this clan acceptting app like below?

i am xzasdeded i am a guy with 14 year old my real name is tyo (read:theo)i searching for clan i am a black belted guy and i join december 2010(before hack october 2010)i searching for clan and i joining this clan because i need a clan and it would be great if i joining thes clan and i will be permanent here if there any clan wars i searchin some friend that i never find a really nice friend ingame i am a nice player and i spent my time inforum about 4-7 hours and ingame i cant count the time coz i spent my time more than inforum you should accept me coz i am a good member.

accept me please

HOLY CRAP. That's the longest sentence I have ever seen. Even poems that use strictly commas don't have a sentence that long...

"coz", "inforum", and "thes" ARE NOT WORDS!!!

I swear I think this guy is trying to insult us...

If you're a good member, everyone else who got rejected would be a GREAT member. Even their applications were better than yours. 15 words total, but we could read it.

You need a clan? Stop trying to join an official clan. I'm pretty sure that none of them will accept you.

You copied and pasted your application to Tint and used it to apply to C3.

So you've been belted? Does that mean that you were forced into a Vasectomy against your will or something?

Last edited by LastGod; Jan 7, 2012 at 03:21 PM.
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