Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by duck View Post
Striking reborn is an accumulation of the striking mod players. I see no reason why we shouldnt merge, if there is no problem on our side. Its like having ormo official and some branch of replay making org official too.

Im not saying we are a useless or worthless org, no, this org brouht together some of the best rkmma players and we enjoyed our fun, but it kinda seems logical to merge with the big daddy of striking mods, really.

Thats my opinion.

Exactly my thoughts, I don't really care if the merge happens or not, but it seems more logical to have one just one big org that brings all striking mods together than the way it is right now.

Its like if we had a org for people who live in the USA and another one for people who live in Florida. One just makes the other one seem completely useless.

If somehow a merge happen soon, a valid solution would be to propose different ranks based on mod specialization.
Specialists in Wushu, Rk, Lenshu, Ninjutsu, each separated in a rank. This could unite all the striking orgs.

Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
I dont think a merge with Striking Reborn is really a good idea.
Striking Reborn might have mods similar to wushu, rk-mma and lenshu...
but it's not worth losing the "identity" of rk-mma for.
Having the alliance with Striking Reborn is good enough for me.

That's the main reason I think a merge would be a reasonable decision. No point on having two official organisations for the same purpose. Imo, surely.
+You are aware that, if they for some reason had created their org first than us, then we would never become official, because it would be useless since rk-mma is included in striking category.

However, I'm ok with whatever you guys decide to do, as long as it doesn't include anal.
Last edited by Immotay; Aug 21, 2015 at 12:21 AM.
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
However, I'm ok with whatever you guys decide to do, as long as it doesn't include anal.

aww. but... maaaan. ok I guess.
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
However, I'm ok with whatever you guys decide to do, as long as it doesn't include anal.

Oral it is then.
*the unzipping of the pants*

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
Oral it is then.
*the unzipping of the pants*

silly timmy, that is not where your mouth is ma boy
I can help host today, and tomorrow maybe.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Lol Colossus I just edited your post on accident. I have no idea how to turn it back. LOL SORRY!

But what I was saying on your sentence:

The striking mods are similar to rk-mma at some point, but they are not rk-mma. This organisation was purely created to praise rk-mma. I don't like the thought of recreating and generalizing everything, not saying the idea itself is bad. Also your first sentence is a little nonsense, the idea of generalizing the striking mods just didn't exist before until now. You could say that for everything on this world. People like to mix everything and make it easier to overlook, doesn't have to be bad though.
Destram, is it ok if I host tourneys using TC from the Monastery and write the expenses down so you can send it back to the clanbank?

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
Destram, is it ok if I host tourneys using TC from the Monastery and write the expenses down so you can send it back to the clanbank?

This will just cause confusion I think.
Sent you the TC. Please read through this and do a log after you finished: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=457635
Originally Posted by Destram View Post
This will just cause confusion I think.
Sent you the TC. Please read through this and do a log after you finished: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=457635

Alright, thank you ^^
The tourney is tomorrow between 20:00-21:00 GMT +0

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by Destram View Post
Lol Colossus I just edited your post on accident. I have no idea how to turn it back. LOL SORRY!

But what I was saying on your sentence:

The striking mods are similar to rk-mma at some point, but they are not rk-mma. This organisation was purely created to praise rk-mma. I don't like the thought of recreating and generalizing everything, not saying the idea itself is bad. Also your first sentence is a little nonsense, the idea of generalizing the striking mods just didn't exist before until now. You could say that for everything on this world. People like to mix everything and make it easier to overlook, doesn't have to be bad though.

stupid lmod.


Bullshit 1: "Striking mods are similar to rk, but they are not rk"

striking mods are not rk, but rk is a striking mod.

Kindabullshit2: "This organisation was purely created to praise rk-mma. I don't like the thought of recreating and generalizing everything"

First sentence is understandable, rest is bullshit.

The only two orgs with the same purpose that I can understand why they're separated is Team Sambo and Team Aikido, and that is just because team sambo is pratically dead, because otherwise, team aikido is just a branch of sambo and because of it being focused on just one mod that doesn't get updated or new variations for ages, the subject is kind of limited, which is why TA got so innactive after the 10th month of official-life.

Same as this org is getting, we focus only on rk-mma, it rarely gets any change in the mod, and even if someone makes a new version of it we'll probably keep praising the old one like hipsters.

I understand rk-mma is one of the bests mod in this category, but there'll come a day when there'll be nothing much to talk about and the org activity will rely on chit-chat about our ordinary lives, rather than a productive talk about rk-mma related stuff. This is where the activity decreases, for example, I have already a place to chit chat, which is the brazilian toribash organization, it's where my friends are, its where I can chat in my native language and its easier to find a common subject since we live in the same place, this is the only and the one reason that explains why I don't post much on other orgs, its because I dont want to make the same post with the same fucking subject on every org, and I assume most people don't want to either. This is why (in my opinion) orgs based on a single mod get innactive pretty fast.

Aaaaand this is why I think a merge with a bigger org would be a reasonable choice.