Originally Posted by Uric View Post
First time Shyvana:

Dunno if my build is any good.
Was kinda going bruisery.

Still learning the dragon bitch.

Beast Shyvana Play. I like your build, I usually go aegis after wriggles, wits and phage then finish the mallet. With those 4 items you have like 200 mr/armor in dragon form. Its fucking cray.

Originally Posted by Dose View Post
Who is better?

Draven vs Caitlyn

Played both today, I love how their ad influences the abilities.

Both are strong in lane. Draven is rising in power and Caitlyn is sleeper OP imo, if she gets another buff she'll be extremely strong. Draven is insanely powerful and both are really strong in lane. Get Caitlyn if you want an easy to learn, easy to master champion or get Draven if you want a easy to learn, hard to master champion.

Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
I wanna try maokai support, is it worth bothering with? His stun or whatever they call it is good for any adc with good burst like graves and he has bush control with his little tree minion thingys ever the other support and they are good wards.

Moakai is a decent support but his best role is Jungle, or you can try Chu8's RoA > Triforce build toplane.
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post

Both are strong in lane. Draven is rising in power and Caitlyn is sleeper OP imo, if she gets another buff she'll be extremely strong. Draven is insanely powerful and both are really strong in lane. Get Caitlyn if you want an easy to learn, easy to master champion or get Draven if you want a easy to learn, hard to master champion.

Cait is also better for low ELO soloQ, because she has longest* AA range, so you can dominate your lane and team fights from relative safety. Also, traps are pretty great for those occasions your "support" doesn't bother to buy wards...

*Tristana beats her after lvl 16(?)

Draven does it all. He's fun to play "high skill cap" AD carry, with Global ultimate. His escape isn't as reliable but the ammount of damge he can dish out with two axes, is just.. You can turn enemy ganks to your multikills just because that damage output is just so high.

..But only if you can catch those axes.. :P
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
Cait is also better for low ELO soloQ, because she has longest* AA range, so you can dominate your lane and team fights from relative safety. Also, traps are pretty great for those occasions your "support" doesn't bother to buy wards...

*Tristana beats her after lvl 16(?)

Draven does it all. He's fun to play "high skill cap" AD carry, with Global ultimate. His escape isn't as reliable but the ammount of damge he can dish out with two axes, is just.. You can turn enemy ganks to your multikills just because that damage output is just so high.

..But only if you can catch those axes.. :P

kog'maw also beats her (and level 18 tristana) when he activates bio-arcane barrage
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
well, his "minions" are pretty cool, but he has no CC, except that little stun.
play him as top or jungle, but not as support.
hes as usefull as a nidalee support.


Bro, I main maokai. He has SO MUCH CC.
Stun, AOE knockback / slow. Not to mention an ult that reduces ALL damage dealt within it by 20% then does a lot of damage back when it ends.

He's very scary from the jungle, and alright in top lane.
If you play him top, get a roa or you'll fall off with wave clearing.
If you play him jungle, go straight tank and you'll be unkillable.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Draven is better.
Cait has nice poke and a really good early game, but falls off come late.
Draven has a steady game all the way through.

Actually Cait has an alright late game, her range makes her pretty safe. It's not as good as Trist's, ofc, but she's alright. Her midgame isn't that good though.
I would argue Cait is above average at all points of the game. Early game her naturally high range gives her good lane presence, mid game she has good skill damage and clean up, and late game she has decent mobility and jukes with her e and w and her range keeps her out of danger, making her hard to take out of the fight. And if worse comes to worse, you can just retreat and then ult a target from safety for some nifty burst.

Also, you can cast E and Q at virtually the same time, allowing for some nifty combos. For example, Q at the enemy, and hit E during the cast time at the enemy for both skills to hit for more damage. Or the pussy way of E first followed by Q to hit the slowed target. Or, my favorite version, the E away from the target to push yourself towards them, then Q during the push to catch the person off guard from the slight boost in range, and maybe result in enough damage for your ult to finish them off. If done right, the channel time for your Q should take the same amount of time as your E pushes you, so you don't have to stay in one place to channel your Q. Heck, your ult and w both work while using E as well, so you can be sliding all over the place while using your skills.

So while she's not stellar in any one area, I would argue she's good because she's consistent and versatile. She's one of my favorite AD carries alongside Kog and MF. She also has some bangin' skins. I have Resistance, Sheriff, and Arctic Warfare :3
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
anyone up for some fuck around games tomorrow?

I'm starting to feel a bit better from being dogshit sick (or should I say "catshit").

Though, I'm gonna suck dick for not playing for about two weeks now and with a little bit of a blind spot in my right eye

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Ed View Post
anyone up for some fuck around games tomorrow?

I'm starting to feel a bit better from being dogshit sick (or should I say "catshit").

Though, I'm gonna suck dick for not playing for about two weeks now and with a little bit of a blind spot in my right eye

I have an eye floater in my left eye, or a blind spot. It floats around 24/7 and its annoying as hell.


So, got banned for a week because this butt-hurt lee sin reported me for "harassing him" when I told him to start red, and not blue when jungling lee sin. He also tried to "gank" my lane, but he "ganked "from behind their turret, took 3 turret hits, fed the crap out of top and complained...

Sooooo, to add to my pain, I made a smurf account. The people I play with are unbearable to play with. They don't know how to play, etc.

I'm gonna take a 1 week break until my acct is back...
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
anyone up for some fuck around games tomorrow?

I'm starting to feel a bit better from being dogshit sick (or should I say "catshit").

Though, I'm gonna suck dick for not playing for about two weeks now and with a little bit of a blind spot in my right eye

New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks