Ok, since Idk what to post:

You know what guys, I never had so much fun in a clan than mau. For months, I've been from clan-to-clan, from [Nitro] to (Shout), just because I want to find a "Perfect clan". And I must say, I found it... it is (MAU). To be honest, the word "Perfect" is an understatement for this clan. I fucking love this clan with all my heart, I fucking love you guys (no homo). From Lust, to Oxide, to Onsola, to Diuway, to SuperSeba to upp and others, I love you mates (No homo fuckers). Please dont change. I'm sorry for posting shit like this, I just want to express how much I love this clan. I'm sorry for being the shit Sc1ence...

Love you mates, Love you Mau.

XD (i need to say "XD" cuz this is too sincere)

Also, yes, weekends are great.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
oh how lovely . Now die and choke in your own saliva and rot until you look like a corpse who caught scurvy and got burned by toilet water mixed with gasoline which was lit up by a molotov

Weekends are awesome except when your family forces you to go to church with them :<
Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post

you're doing it wrong motherfather

Originally Posted by Lust View Post
oh how lovely :). Now die and choke in your own saliva and rot until you look like a corpse who caught scurvy and got burned by toilet water mixed with gasoline which was lit up by a molotov

Weekends are awesome except when your family forces you to go to church with them :<

you're doing it wrong motherfather


Sure, ill do that if you say so baus...

Eh, going to church isnt bad, you can see bitches sometimes... (like literally, female dogs)

baus, bus, b0ss, boss, ssob, fuck

goodnight bitches!
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Emm lol ok, welp so much love here.
I played some lol but I kinda got bored of mobas idk, not the type of I game I really enjoy playing.
Idk I dont like doing nothing all day, but time in time it's good just stay home doing nothing productive for a while.

May you all find the true way to okno okno.
I never played any mobas before,but by looking at some gameplays seems fun,too bad im lazy to wait hours to download.
just finished watching undertale(pacifist ending),i really enjoyed the history of that game,lovely characters etc...
And this activity dont let me see my last post(it jumps like 3 pages,dayum),well we have alot of philiphinos here(lust,diuwaybuns,science...),but i still vote for replay-makers rank
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Serious and fast answer on this question:
In 2017 should I keep doing swimming lessons or change to Gym workout?
Since I need to change my position from curve to straight (I'm talking about my back) I need to choose between the two that I said.
I'm going to swimming lessons this year but I don't know what to do in the next one.

If you don't understand

Running away...
It's way easier if you just sit straight but emm I guess you could keep swimming if you like it, It does really help with back issues and stuff. Also you don't suffer the heat so much in summer, tho it must be kinda painful in winter if it's not in a climatized pool.
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
It's way easier if you just sit straight but emm I guess you could keep swimming if you like it, It does really help with back issues and stuff. Also you don't suffer the heat so much in summer, tho it must be kinda painful in winter if it's not in a climatized pool.

I know it's easier but is something that I can't stop if you know what I mean, I had stiff neck 2 times in 2 months, is just shit.
That's why they recommended me that 2 things.
Also yeah is a climatized pool.
Running away...
Well damn upp I guess you don't like much asian stuff.
In that case why not taking up both seba? okno, well if you have enough free time you should consider it (unless it's too expensive).

I tried (yet again) to make some textures, this time I made a thread for that shitty set I am making some help would be apreciated :v
idk nm to say