Ukesrev the no foot parkour was pretty funny. But that flash kick decap was pretty ugly.
The actual kick wasn't bad but everything before and after was weird.

iPrime don't be mean :O
You already know that alterations is a don't be a meanie.
;-; y u sho rud? Anyways, Boaplitas, do you have the scores for the event?

"Kill them with kindness and bury them with a smile"
God ABD player and masterful Daycare.tbm connoisseur
I think so alterations xD
(I have some scores at a different house but I will be sure to get them!)
Ill be on pretty frequently so anyone that hasn't fought me yet can do so.

I've kicked the trial members apart from...
If you didn't get through you can try again next week ;)

Rudolph wasnt too happy about me kicking Knakies... so I made this

True satan

Lol he can try again next week xD
I feel bad but he wasn't active on the forums and I barely met the guy.... Even though he donated 20k.
Being a leader means that you have to make tough decisions ;)

Big changes with the event!
The event will be extended to the 15th of november due to some difficulties. Death has been banned so TheAgonist is now somebody you will fight.
Unfortunately I will have to discount all the points people got against Death... sorry guys!
Last edited by Boaplitas; Oct 25, 2015 at 10:33 PM.
Oh... I was'nt talking about the donation. He is just a nice guy... Yeah i would like him to post too :/
Last edited by Gambi; Oct 25, 2015 at 10:41 PM.
@Boap: I think you should add a minimum belt requirement. You wouldn't want low belts, maybe noobs and inactive players in your clan, would you ?

Black Belt sounds reasonable.

Applications can be very decieving, the low belt or noob might say he loves ABD and always active, but then does the complete opposite. You wouldn't want that, since you're always urging for activities and hopefully recruit some players that are at least 12 hours active in-game or forum active. Oh, and plus you wouldn't stupid, arrogants alts joining your clan. If you can, try to ask them how they were banned and give them an in-game test, or accept them if they have evidence that they are a legit, good ALT. I'm not forcing you to do this, but I'm doing whats best for the clan.
Haha! Ur mad!
Good advice iPrime. I don't want to set a minimum belt because I don't really care about alts. Plus white belts can be good
But Ill do some of the stuff you said.
Last edited by Boaplitas; Oct 26, 2015 at 01:27 AM.