wait... if you are undead.. you can't move... you got no muscles and no nerves n stuff... which means all it takes is to step on your skull and HULK STOMP THE SHIT OUT OF IT
I should really find a clan.
Why do you take 7 minutes and 47 seconds to reply? and HUMP WTF? You could have at least said (no homo)
ima go to sleep now... see you tomorrow boney exept boner ninja undead mage trapped in a metalbox at the bottom of the ocean.... BIGGEST NICKNAME I HAVE EVER GIVEN
Last edited by Rotten; Jul 30, 2013 at 01:03 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I should really find a clan.

I mean ho is gay.. and if sombody is gay where is the problem ( i mean we live in the 21 century)?.. dont understand that point.. and even if itīs all a joke.. its not funny anymore, and have nothing to do with sarcasm..

so guys dont behave like little f*** childs who had nothing better to do as sitting all the day in front of the pc .. and trolling n stuff.. -.-
thats disapointing.. really! how old are u i have to ask?
so show some behaviour.. and respekt, to the clan members.
and if cheffchen called me cute.. it is okay then, i mean it is gay to say someone is cute? even if it is gay.. where is the problem?
so.... well -.-

iam raging right now..

behave like matures.. comon.... is it that hard?
and respekt the RULEZ!!!! (like stay on topic.. dont spam post.... be polite in game and with more than 10 words)

Armor... u break these rules.. and as u know u are a trial member..i warned u more than once....

u have to leave the clan, cause u give it a bad reputation (sorry for saying that, but its true)
if u have something to say, u can write me an pm..
good luck on ur way...

so i dont mean all of u guy, the most of u are awesome..
btw.. i know my grammar sucks..
Last edited by mobinladen; Jul 30, 2013 at 08:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump me "mobin"...[flip]
What the hell is goin on 0.o why would someone argue about sh*t ?
Guys just be polite to urselves we are still one clan .... One team so stop it.

and guys we need to talk about the clan league..
-who would like to compete?
-in which mod?
-whats ur GMT?

and a few more topics.. also if u have questions and stuff..
Originally Posted by Potram View Post
What the hell is goin on 0.o why would someone argue about sh*t ?
Guys just be polite to urselves we are still one clan .... One team so stop it.

right pot! we are a clan/team/friends.. ;-)
Last edited by mobinladen; Jul 30, 2013 at 08:44 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump me "mobin"...[flip]
Mob i might wont be able to compete when the Cl starts on 17th august cause i will go to a week camp :C so i hope that it will start earlier