Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Zekiller22 View Post
Are all the GMs/smods/admins friends with each other or are there some that have rivals or some shit

From what I can say, I am not "friend" with all of the staff members, but I get along with many of them. With the ones I don't, it's simply because we don't talk to each other since there was no situation we had to talk ;v
Originally Posted by DonutFatal View Post
What is your thoughts on steam? Both the gas and the platform.

I have no hard feelings on the gas. About the platform, I use it (got a bunch of games there, not lots though), and I like it.

Originally Posted by Zekiller22 View Post
What are some opinions about duelers in general (besides skul and azur because they answered)

They are users too, they just decide to use certain methods to win tc's (other than tourneys, events, etc). No hard feelings I guess.
Ishi .. Was he really a high ranked Staff on the forums?
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
On steam, i think it's a great platform, but i dont know how well toribash would be integrated into it, we already have an established micro-transaction system, our own community, etc.

on duelers, i have nothing against them, besides the scammers obviously, for the most part its the system that's causing a lot of problems, and people that duel for items/usd/whatever are dumb.

on ishi: i have been pretty much every staff position at one time or another, 6(almost 7)years is a long time.


Originally Posted by ishi View Post
on ishi: i have been pretty much every staff position at one time or another, 6(almost 7)years is a long time.

And why you are not any more?
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Sure, SkulFuk is active, but he's not a dev. As previously stated:
Originally Posted by SkulFuk
Heh, I dev but not for here.

And if the game devs doesn't pay attention to the board, then what's the purpose of it? Self-satisfaction?
I do my best to delete all of the useless posts. I think I'm doing a quite good job, but it's really the morality that has to change, real discussions rarely take place (yes, thank you Hxc), and when they do, they don't seem to get any attention from the people they are trying to reach out to.

I'm probably gonna create a "suggestions guidelines" thread, to reduce spam and point people in the right direction, it's just about figuring out how to put it without discouraging people to post. And not to create another 'things not to suggest'.

But, theoretically, if the board was flourishing with useful suggestions, and no useless spam, would the devs have the time to check it out?
And if not, wouldn't it be reasonable to recruit more devs?

Well, this is turning into a discussion, kind of, in a rapid threads section. But I think it's necessary. If not here, then somewhere else.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
More devs= costs more money. Also as they say, time is money. Any time spent digging though a board is time that should've been spent fixing a bug or adding a feature.

I may be the only one who's open about it but I'm certainly not the only person who looks at that board & passes on ideas from it.

As for rules in that board... URGH. The old suggestion board had rules, it had sub forums too. Users not only constantly ignored the rules & list of things not to suggest - they would make a million threads over and over about the exact same thing.

Hence the new board & more open structure with less rules, though people not paying attention to what's already been suggested & those damned "supported" posts are still annoying.

Then OFC there's the issue of users thinking that every idea they have is perfect and must be added to the game. Games don't work like that, the idea has to suit the game & the direction it's going. They have to meld with the community, how things are being played, what players are into etc etc.

Devs don't have the time to sit & spy on what's going on with the community side to know most that, that's where the other staff come in.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by ishi View Post
1. anyone from old school bncy, Ducky, Cevius, Slith, mouf, etc. Also m0o, i miss her antics

2. i miss some of the old nabi guys, like byon! and grarrr, so them

3. veb

with your new avatar, i would have assumed qegola would have made it onto one of those lists.

Originally Posted by Beta View Post
If there was one person that you could bring back to tb and be active, who would it be?

If there was one past staff member that isn't a staff member currently to bring back and be staff, who would it be and what position?

If you could meet one person in the Toribash Community, who would it be?

1. Nightmare, him and hanz0 were pretty much the centre of my world back in 08/09 with all our involvement in the texture market, while he may not be the most special person in my toribash "career", hes definitely one of the missing people that made my time here special.

2. Juntalis

3. MANtrain
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
How do you you feel about all the clans that are made for shits and giggles.
Look at cat as an example.