I say yes rofl's a good guy, he plays well as his title implies he will make a great addition.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Hi Im XxKolorzxX.Right now im a 2nd dan black belt.Im the Old Co-Leader of Lotp,but sadly the clan died. So now im lookin to go to a new clan because it gets lots of respect and i know a couple in the clan Azure,Darressii,and Downstem.My Favorite Mod is ABD. Im usaully on Toribash Every day. So Please Consider Picking Me.
I say yes to kolorz as well please consider him although the app is a bit shoet I assure you he's well worth he's an in game monster. the only thing I ask the two of you to do differently is to increase the forum activity a bit.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Hello I am Abnoub123 and i am a black belt i was in LOTP with kolorz I have been in 3 clan witch have died.But I am looking for a good clan like this to help me get better.I also know Darressii but thats all. So I hope my app is good.Oh my favorite mods are twinswords and adkio.&i am on every day. Thanks bye.
i say yes to rofl,kolorz, and abnoub respectful players that have alot of potenial
[-Losing is a lesson we all can learn from]
Basically for those of you confused LOTP disbanded and a few of there members wish to join us, I know most of them well and have voted accordingly.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Hello everyone. My name is unknownid, I am a black belt. I have been in two clans before. The first was too inactive and the second had too much spam in their thread. I decided to have another go with the phantoms. My favourite mod is wushu because I like to dance around while fighting. I would like to join this clan because I know AzureMage very well. Also I am looking for a good clan that isn't too inactive. That is all.

Thank you very much.
Daress, you also need to post why you are saying yes.

I vote yes on unknown I know his app is very short but some of you should know him, he has great potential a good head on his shoulders I vouch for him short app and all.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos