Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
And alakazam.

Originally Posted by Peter1212 View Post
Oh Alakazam!
I forgot, he's fucking boss player.

Yeesssss, alakazam is the best.

And gengar is very good.

And snorlax rofl
Dragonite is my all-time fave. A friendly, happy-looking dragon. But when he gets mad, he'll hyper beam his opponent to Hell and back.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by Guv_na View Post
Dragonite is my all-time fave. A friendly, happy-looking dragon. But when he gets mad, he'll hyper beam his opponent to Hell and back.

this guy has no fingers, just spikes on his arm
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
id have to say...torterra all you have to do is build a bench on him/her and you have your self a park! lol..
i know that you know what i know about what i know about that i know u know what u could know about...yes i know