LINKS to sets/artpieces/concepts:
My current Shop

Any previous run-ins with the law:
I've had 3 infractions.
2x Ignoring rules
1x Useless post

I have 4 points total, all infractions expired though.

Orgs that you belong in/ Orgs you plan to be joining:
I am proud [Hive] member.

Why I reapply:
I reapply because i think that i greatly improved in texture making. I can do my own tribals now and I don't have to use BrushPacks again.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
get yourself more known around the market... do more requests. the thing with the mob is, that people have to know who you are

Good idea... I'll start with that, see you guys in a month or so =)
LINKS to sets/artpieces/concepts

Any previous run-ins with the law
2 Infractions for bumping, though one was revoked due to a misunderstanding - and the other was me being new to the forums

Orgs that you belong in/ Orgs you plan to be joining
Trying to join TaT as well - but thats not for Sig whoring..
I wasn't planning on putting the tags in my sig unless it was necessary.

Your specialities
I can take a crit and put it straight into use, as best I possibly can.
I'm always making art, always, and because of these two things - I am improving a lot.
I'm quite good with a graphite pencil, and acrylics. (Will post acrylic after weekend)
Last edited by corza334; May 16, 2009 at 10:30 AM.
Lol, another one who applied for TAT and TTM at relatively the same time.

You should understand something - this is the texture mob. Textures ≠ art. That's why TAT and TTM are separate :P

Anyway, looking at your textures..I'm kinda on the fence. Will wait for input from the other mobsters.
same thing that i told skymark, get yourself known around the request section/market.
need more textures. the head you were making for monobi was technically good, but it wasnt that attractive.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Hey guys, i have a shop that i'm working on, if you would like, take a look at what i'm capable of, Right now, its nothing much. but i'm constantly working on sets to sell. So stop by!
Last edited by flamespike; May 28, 2009 at 01:26 AM. Reason: forgot link
Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480
Alright, im more well known around the requests, and I've won a few.
I'm also a disciple of monobi and have been getting some good help/compliments on my textures..

Can I join?
Lol, the same thing happened in TAT. A guy asked and I posted the form..because...I think you two should apply properly.
Easy peasy: Forms are to be submitted in triplicate and MUST contain the following information

LINKS to sets/artpieces/concepts (we like to keep it clean, and it is a great way to confirm if the things you made are indeed yours, so don't post your images here... just the links)

Any previous run-ins with the law (though we are mobbish, we have standards to keep.. so stupidity is kept relatively at a mininum)

Orgs that you belong in/ Orgs you plan to be joining (there are org-s you know.... those that join orgs to extend their sigs/tags to unholy sizes)

Your specialities (anything else you can do that stands out? shout it out)

I have applied.
I didn't think it would be necessary to copy + paste the exact same application when its only two posts away ._.