Mike, i know you're the current meme in wibbles because of that tattoo, but they are just memeing.

You got the tattoo cuz it meant something to you, thats all it has to do, +rep for that. You said you probably should have kept this to yourself, whats the point in having something that means something to you if you cant show it off? Be proud yo, you got more balls that most others in this community for this tbh

Good job
you're on thin ice, pal
Originally Posted by Kozmo View Post
Mike, i know you're the current meme in wibbles because of that tattoo, but they are just memeing.

You got the tattoo cuz it meant something to you, thats all it has to do, +rep for that. You said you probably should have kept this to yourself, whats the point in having something that means something to you if you cant show it off? Be proud yo, you got more balls that most others in this community for this tbh

Good job

Thanks koz, glad to hear this from you ; ) as much as its a logo from a game means a little more to me than you'd think XD
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Originally Posted by Krulls View Post
Good war with Power guys. We lost but we had fun.

I am always proud to see my mates step up and engage other clans.

The comradery and fun are more important than the win!
That said, let's kick their asses next time!

Yo Krulls dude :P nice to see you back.
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Whatever people say about it, I want you to know that we're very proud to be on our dear leader's forearm whatever the reason behind it .
It's our time now to show our affection bros, let's start by getting official again.
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
Originally Posted by Hannw View Post
Whatever people say about it, I want you to know that we're very proud to be on our dear leader's forearm whatever the reason behind it .
It's our time now to show our affection bros, let's start by getting official again.

Thanks hannw
Shall lead this clan till the end!
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
i always knew u r going to kill this clan
Last edited by Dart; Mar 16, 2017 at 07:23 PM.
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
Fr if something means that much to you who cares what other people say you didn't get it for them or their approval. I think it's dope AF salute to you mike.
Future Swede/WAPOW Co-Leader
much appreciated, i was only getting it for myself. wondered if i should even post it before i did lol. Was just gonna keep it to myself tbh.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White