Given away almost 3 million in tc, and alot more in items to random people and friends.

(especially ifred)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by DuckHuntP View Post
Being in a fight where both decapped, then we grabbed our own heads, mid air, in our right hands and went at it.

How nice of you.
Chain Gangster.
Originally Posted by HolyShrimp View Post
gave someone advice on how to beat up their dad

On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard did that father get fucked?
Chain Gangster.
Originally Posted by HolyShrimp View Post
gave someone advice on how to beat up their dad

this triggers me

oh yeah i taught glow how to get nudes on facebook LOL
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Did some loans (I'll prob never see again) and gave away some TC for people really needing it. Also added to DP in lots of servers and gave nudges away.
I'm only cleaning here..