Hey guys ! Lil Hanny here . How's it sizzilin ?
Mind if I chat a bit with you :P ?
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
Originally Posted by extremealt View Post
We don't mind, it's a chit chat thread with invades aloud so sure! Ask any questions just chat etc.

Lol , I just had to ask just to be sure :P. Treat me nice pls I'm very sensitive :c.
Anyways I don't see you guys very much in QA what mods do you guys play the most ? I guess we don't see each other because we're not in the same GMT and because you guys might be working .Yes, I'm on holidays right now ( I <3 college ).
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
Hey Hannw! Yeah I've been lacking on my QA recently D: mostly been playing Lenshu or striking mods those are a lot of fun. Most of us are really busy right now because summer is coming up and stuff :V I have exams and stuff so I haven't been playing as much but as soon as summer comes I'll be freeeeeee. How have you been?
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Originally Posted by Flamesmash View Post
Hey Hannw! Yeah I've been lacking on my QA recently D: mostly been playing Lenshu or striking mods those are a lot of fun. Most of us are really busy right now because summer is coming up and stuff :V I have exams and stuff so I haven't been playing as much but as soon as summer comes I'll be freeeeeee. How have you been?

Hey Flamesy ! I'm good as always . I've been training again and again nograb in QA, just love it. Gotta practice balance and stuff with Sh00 it'll be fun .

TK and Lenshu are fun mods as well as erthTK, Boxshu, hellcell etc... but still QA4lif :P.

Too bad you guys still work . It's a pretty lonely place without you guys . Moreover, it must be very difficult to be serious at work while there's Clan League out here :/, You guys probably don't have much time for youselves between exams and wars.
Either way I wish you good luck for both events. Don't give up yet ! More work needs to be done .

If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
Hi Hannw, I'm the newest WAPOW member, nice to meet you! You seem very friendly. My favorite mods are any parkour, and aikido big dojo. I just got out for summer maybe 5 days ago, so we may be able to play some time.
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static