I liked red vs blue. More of a movie/game based on halo. :O So immature and it kind of grew on me.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.

The whole series had me at tears in certain parts.
The gameplay was amazing, the story was depressing and enjoyable and the OST made the game sooooo much better. Without all the sad like piano songs the game wouldn't be Kingdom Hearts anymore.
it touched my body and gives me the chills, but also a heartwarming story because you have to find the love pages and reading them makes me so sad, I gave all my feels to the slenderman, he doesn't want to be embarrassed of the pages, so he has to chase you to get it back, I didn't look properly, but they maybe are pages about the black president.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)