Originally Posted by Marxsman View Post
Gmtourneys maybe should give out sets that were pretty good

Giving away sets would just fuck the economy up.
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
wat, no

If you think being a GM was worthy of being called a job... then I don't know

I was a GM for nearly 2 years and liked every day of it.
I quit due to my computer going to shit and mental health issues.

sure it was a routine that you followed but you had so much freedom you can't believe it. Everyday was different and if you really think GM was a job (job=chore to me in this context) you really should reconsider why you were a GM in the first place. Sure, we all had days where he didn't want to host anything and I get that. But I stayed this long because I did enjoy hosting and planning events. I treated 99.9% of the players in my room with respect and a "non-inferior" being. Hosting and being a part of the group was a blast and probably the most fun I've had here in the Toribash community.

I feel like this is turning to a "rant about the GMs" thread, so I will leave my post at this.

alright, look i used to be gm 2 times, was gm of month for once aswell and what i describe is what i got on my personal experience and listed factors which were downfalls for me personally. You may agree or disagree since experience may be different for each person, afterall i'm not used to do routine job in long runs and prefer short but productive bursts, thats just my approach.
Originally Posted by snob View Post
alright, look i used to be gm 2 times, was gm of month for once aswell

I've been trying so long to become a gm, my dream would be gm of the month. At this years thanksgiving I told everyone what I was thankful for. God, Family, Love, and I also said most importantly I am thankful that I am a loved part of the incredible toribash community. My grandmama took quite an interest to what I said. I showed her toribash and gave her my own personal toribash tour. We went in irc and I said hi to all of my friends. My grandmama said it is good that I am making friends and that maybe I can start making friends in real life to. I am homeschooled by my mom so I usually don't leave the house. I've never had a girlfriend, but it's ok because me and my mom always go to the movies on friday nights to show all the other kids that you don't need to be having s-e-x to have fun. Sometimes they laugh at me but I always laugh back because I know I'm having more fun than they are. I mean, I get to spend time with my mom, what's better than that? I have such a close relationship with her and she is always going out of her way to help me with my goals. When I sent in my gm application last month she wrote me a personal letter of recommendation. When I told her I didn't get in she was very mad. I even showed her some mean pm's I got from the gamemasters. They are lucky she didn't know who they were because if she did she would have called their parents like she did when I got beat up at rite aid.

I'm really scared for christmas because I made a promise to my entire family, even my grandmama and grandpapa that I would be a gm. I am so afraid to tell them i didn't become gm. I know they will love me no matter what happens but i don't want to dissapoint them. It makes me sad to think I can't be a gm and make new friends with Powas, Hxcbbqimo, Jalis, Uric, and all the rest of "the boys". Even if i just become a trainee gm I will be more happy then when I won the science fair. I couldn't even imagine how content i would be if I was gm of the month, that would be INCREDIBLE!!!.
the god
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Implying those items were send as prizes for tourneys, to prove we, GMs, always send low value prizes or whatever's the reason.
Same goes for implications about usage of my own tc to host.

Oh, that. Yes, like I said, I have no way of proving whether or not these items were sent as tourney prizes or trivia prizes, blah blah blah. The point was that if these were tournament prizes, they are pretty poor.

In some cases it is easy to distinguish whether or not the prizes were tournament prizes are not (e.g. when only two items are sent).

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Noone complains. Indeed, they may simply don't share their opinions but that's unlikely. Anyway, I claim to send prizes of decent and already said value and you seems to be implying (again) that's the other way around (I have my logs behind me, you have only your words).
If that's bothering you so bad, I can prepare analysis of my all logs to estimate average worth of items used as prizes - I'm certain it'd be more than 5k/2k, possible near 7k/3k (reminder - fast tourneys on fun mods gets cheaper prizes).

Argh, I don't understand why I have to repeat myself so many times.

It is extremely obvious that people are complaining, regardless of whether or not it is about you or a different member. For the third time, I am not solely targeting you, in fact I may not be targeting you at all, however I used you (and your funds) as an example since I am talking to you.

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Your attitude, as you seem to be trying to discredit current team a bit for reasons that are unclear for me.

You should stop taking offense to so many things. Isn't this thread for opinions and ideas? The general opinion is that the quality of prizes are poor. This is almost undebatable (that this is the general opinion, not that prizes are poor).

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Anyway, if you're willing to continue this, send me a pm, I probably won't answer here anymore as you're using christian vs atheist logic (a.k.a 'you can't prove me I'm wrong, even if the odds point in different direction').

Absolutely not! If we're going to discuss it, it will be in this thread, since this is the thread for voicing our opinions and ideas.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Honestly now? What's the point of having this thread?
Upon creating it, it should have been expected that you will receive the usual: prizes are bad, I don't understand the mods, I hate "mainstream mods", I don't like the GMs because they hurt my feelings, etc.
Even worse, this turned into a debate thread in which current GMs explain why other people's ideas are bad and not worthy of being taken into account. Along with the arguments between Powas and friends.

Now remind me again, how have we benefited from this thread?
Well I think the prizes are okay but when TC is involved maybe you could up the bounty?

As for the MODS, their fine some of them are a little out teh norm otherwise they have a pretty solid setup.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Honestly now? What's the point of having this thread?
Upon creating it, it should have been expected that you will receive the usual: prizes are bad, I don't understand the mods, I hate "mainstream mods", I don't like the GMs because they hurt my feelings, etc.
Even worse, this turned into a debate thread in which current GMs explain why other people's ideas are bad and not worthy of being taken into account. Along with the arguments between Powas and friends.

Now remind me again, how have we benefited from this thread?

Thank you for saying what everyone else (who isn't an idiot) is thinking.
My internet died literally the day after I made this thread.
First chance I've had to read it so far.

From what I've gathered people dislike prizes and because of that are laying into the GMs placing as much blame as they can upon them. Everything here relates back to the prizes. GMs hosting activity is lacking in some cases because of the shit the community gives them for their prizes.

Oblivion explained the situation with prizes perfectly. We cannot hand out high valued items all the time or the economy will die. Likewise with generated TC. All we get is items and TC from banned accounts, that's it. All other comes from our own pockets.

What I want to find out is what will make what we do more enjoyable for you guys? Prizes aside, otherwise feel free to donate so that we can use TC as prizes.
In my eyes it's more about having fun than earning TC.

Now let's change the whole direction of what this thread has turned into. Away from negative feedback and abuse directed toward the GMs, and more suggestions and ideas that will likely be considered.

I will take the best suggestions and ideas into account and discuss the possibility of training you up with the trials with the others.

How's that for motive?

Oh yeah, next post that is not on the topic I have just established (ideas and suggestions) will be infracted.
(don't even care that this is posted in off topic, abuse is not the way to go)
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
I think thy are boring and overpacked the whole time it takes nearly 20 mins just to get to your match that you'll mostly lose cause the other person is like 2 Dan- god belt I think there should be like the public servers belt requirements and be 5 different GMtourney rooms so it would atleast be a fair enough fight.
Proud Co-Leader of Brave