Dzajko, isn't the point of that blog so we can follow you on that blog?
It seems unnecessary to me to post something in the forums here everytime something new shows up in your blog.
Originally Posted by Dzajko56 View Post
UPDATE on my blog
also i got some new gadgets (FISHIES click on the pic to fee them)

I deleted all of my social media connections a couple of months ago. Not that I have anything to hide, but colleges, at least those in the US, have a knack for snooping around in your personal info, such as race, religion and political views. Personally, I like to keep my life private, so hopefully after deleting these accounts, colleges can't look at my "private" life.

But back to art, I guess. Recently I've been addicted to Borderlands 2. I can't help but admire the amount of detail they put into the graphics. One thing that's immediately apparent when playing is that they aren't realistic; they're cel-shaded, which means the graphics resemble a 3D comic book. Do you guys like this sort of art style in video games, or do you enjoy realistic graphics? Oh, and here are some reference pictures:


Last edited by lordtiger; Oct 2, 2012 at 02:43 PM. Reason: spoiler'd the pictures for ya
I love comics/graphic novels, and I really like the cel-shading style where it's implemented well. First games I played with that kind of graphics was XIII and the Naruto Ultimate Ninja series on the PS2. Cel-shading works extremely well for video games based on anime or cartoons, especially when the developers have spent a lot of time on the animations. In the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Series, some of the games had unlockable content that was basically a 3d-still model of a scene/attack/effect, which you could rotate 360 degrees. Very detailed and very awesome. That series continued on the PS3 and I've played them all, but they dumbed down the combat when transitioning from 2d-oriented combat to 3d-oriented combat. They also reduced the number of special moves, which is extremely idiotic, to say the least. A huge downgrade - from having a 80 seconds creative ultimate special move cutscene(if you input all of the commands correctly and in time) to having a 10-15 mediocre one. D*ck move. Thankfully, the series on the PSP continued with the 2d combat mechanic.

About realistic graphics - I like them only in realistic games, or where they are needed. Wouldn't want Sly Cooper or Crash Bandicoot to be realistic, it would screw up everything. On the other hand, if Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls didn't have the graphics they have/had(at their debut, they were all considered very realistic), I'm sure the story wouldn't have been that involving. When creating drama, realism helps. When creating comedy or mindless fun, no. But once again, you can have the most realistic model in the universe, if it's not well-animated, I won't be playing your game. I actually prefer stylized graphics as opposed to realistic ones, since I can't find realistic graphics(wait for it) all around me in daily life. Like many others, I play games largely to escape the confinements of a realistic reality - compared to a virtual one, you have very limited freedom IRL. One set of laws of physics does that.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
I've began to make a new set, based on the theme of Lego Characters. It's the first texture set I've started in a while..

Tell me what you think of the first Texture;

Right leg.

Haha thanks Dza

Btw, the next few textures I upload will be without Raytrace on, they look much better without it activated.
That's really nice Lynx!
I don't seem to understand why you're making a lego character set...
It's really nice but I don't think anyone wants a set full of lego people :P
Unless you're planning to wear it yourself...