Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I are gud froot. I did say things about my daily life. It also included climbing into pockets and being happy.

So I took a nap because apparently I do that now. I was looking and clothing and stuff online and my mom sort of goes NO NO BUY NEW STUFF and throws a bunch of old clothes at me. Anyway this shirt is comfy. I'm using an old Compaq laptop right now. It's having issues and it can hardly run toribash, and yesterday it was messing with chrome; it wouldn't load any new pages and Toribash wouldn't run past 4fps. Urmmmm. Still haven't ridden my bike. Transmutation cir... square-and-lines on my arm is washing off, must redraw.
Urrrrgghhhh we had an enormous discussion in class on -giggles- STEPHEN HAWKING -giggles-
-imitates and runs into walls-
Because it just remind me of a Daft Punk concert where Guy went "FUCK IT FUCK IT FUCK IT FUCK IT FUCK IT FUCK IT"
Centuries Of Damn
I got up, watched the ending to this Veronica Mars episode I fell asleep during (Yes I watch all types of girly shows, nothing can hide from me), then I called my friend who was sick. I wanted to play a game with him so we played Little Big Planet for like an hour, putting stickers and giant bunny ears all over our bodies (We have much fun doing this). Then we got bored and now I'm about to play MGS4.
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
I got up, watched the ending to this Veronica Mars episode I fell asleep during (Yes I watch all types of girly shows, nothing can hide from me), then I called my friend who was sick. I wanted to play a game with him so we played Little Big Planet for like an hour, putting stickers and giant bunny ears all over our bodies (We have much fun doing this). Then we got bored and now I'm about to play MGS4.

Watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, surprisingly, it's the manliest stuff on the internet now.
Lars, I demand that you tell us about your life.

Also, yesterday I had aikido class and I dislocated someone's shoulder.
^That is amazing.
I got my hair straightened, blow dryed/flat ironed, and I got my hair cut into layers<3
My dad said he'll let me bleach the tips of my hair including my bangs for my birthday<333
I love him sooo much.
I'll take a pic of my hair now and post it in a couple minutes :3
So the other day I saw a spider crawling around in a creepy manner on the bathroom mirror. I caught it in a cup, covered it and went to let it outside but when I tried to open the sliding door the thing escaped and crawled around my arm. So I sort of spasmed, threw the cup in a small bowl of vinegar and started doing my bug dance. Anyway I don't know where the spider is. Gughhhh. Big. Yellow. Spider. Nothing against spiders, I just don't like them crawling around me while in the bathroom.
Last edited by Acavado; Jun 19, 2011 at 05:50 PM.
Lol that reminds me about that one time I was outside and a bee flew in my face and I like, ran around my house about 2 times.
Ahhh good times.