
In-game name : Powelly

Refz: None yet


Pastclans: FSN... i left because they didnt need me and 2 of my best clan friends left... dw tho that wont happen here:P

I wanna join because i know its a awesome clan and i have seen you guyz own bad haha... i know tripstone coz of DarkCrypto and yeah.

Thanks... if you consider it just pm me to test me thanks(or post lol do what ya want)
hi my ingame name is avatars10 and im a just started yellow belt. i have no references or past clans. i want to join as this clan sounds good, and well, i just want to join
sorry guys never mind about this
im joining Bloody Nightmare
Last edited by Rdgz303; May 19, 2008 at 06:25 AM.
In-Game Name:cincy606 aka cincy
References: milkyshake
Past Clans:my own (didnt go well
Why you want to join [Evolution]: i would lke to join becuase im a good leader and i like to learn. I also would like to be in a clan.
Originally Posted by WhiteFang View Post
Please I'm 10 but good, I was wondering if I may join?!

You beg me about 10 times,i gave you tcs,you keep begging meh.Beg.
Originally Posted by dangerchri View Post
In-Game Name:cincy606 aka cincy
References: milkyshake
Past Clans:my own (didnt go well
Why you want to join [Evolution]: i would lke to join becuase im a good leader and i like to learn. I also would like to be in a clan.

Our leader and god is Tripstone,he will kill you if you take his leader powa.
Originally Posted by cincy606 View Post
message by dangerchri is for me(HE FORGOT TO LOG OFF)
srry for the inconvence

Meh caps.

Originally Posted by milkyshake View Post
what the hell...


Maybe a decent post would be nice..<3