I really do think it's just our imagination.

Unless you freaking see someone in front of you that looks dead and you can touch him, then they are just in our mind.
Originally Posted by ManIOwnU View Post
ghosts are people stuck between life and death

Yes they are.
They're also beings that aren't convinced with their life. Like leaving yur children alone with no parents.
First the ghost would go to heaven. If not convinced with their life they'll stay on earth. So for a while the ghost would be like a normal being. If the ghost is still angry or worried about something it would slowly turn into an angry demon or ghost whatever. So that's where haunting/bad things begins

Oh and only some people can see ghosts not speicial ppl just any random person.
(I read all this in a book . _ .)
Originally Posted by Thanatos12 View Post

Remember where we are, thanatos....

Also i think this is better suited for Rapid Threads, since it's impossible for this to grow into real discussion. Thanatos12 attempted to start one, but it will be in vain.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Remember where we are, thanatos....

Also i think this is better suited for Rapid Threads, since it's impossible for this to grow into real discussion. Thanatos12 attempted to start one, but it will be in vain.

I know but I miss debate and I need somewhere to shout at irrational people.

btw just call me Thanatos (or Than) the 12 part is useless lol
Off topic. /\

^ off topic and backseat modding, cut it out. ~AlexOwnz
Last edited by AlexOwnz; Sep 28, 2009 at 11:52 PM.
I realize Wikipedia is that great of a source, but i don't think it's just a board game Thanatos. I invite you to explain your beliefs of what a Ouija Board is all about.
Following what MetroX said, I am quite sure that an Ouija Board is not a childs' toy either. Not made by any major corporation either.
Back in my day...
Originally Posted by MetroX View Post
I realize Wikipedia is that great of a source, but i don't think it's just a board game Thanatos. I invite you to explain your beliefs of what a Ouija Board is all about.

Sure, I'll tell you.

Ouija boards are kids toys which work by exploiting young imagination and their own hands to move the object.
I used to play with things like that when i was a little boy. Not just "talking" boards but old Russian types of "scary games" involving mirrors, candles, and all that other stuff.
Last edited by Odlov; Sep 29, 2009 at 12:53 AM.
Originally Posted by MetroX View Post
I realize Wikipedia is that great of a source, but i don't think it's just a board game Thanatos. I invite you to explain your beliefs of what a Ouija Board is all about.

Heh, that where you got your information that Ouija boards open portals? A simple google search would have stopped you looking ill-informed. Parker Brothers, manufacture them. Check their product roster and you will find Ouija boards. They own the trademark for them and manufacture the boards.

Check Odlov's post below for a description of what I think Ouija boards are like:

Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Sure, I'll tell you.

Ouija boards are kids toys which work by exploiting young imagination and their own hands to move the object.
I used to play with things like that when i was a little boy. Not just "talking" boards but old Russian types of "scary games" involving mirrors, candles, and all that other stuff.

Originally Posted by AlexOwnz View Post
Following what MetroX said, I am quite sure that an Ouija Board is not a childs' toy either. Not made by any major corporation either.

Parker Brothers....pretty major corporation I would say.
To add some humour to Ouija discussion, here's a video:

PS: there is a point made within that video.
Last edited by Odlov; Sep 29, 2009 at 01:22 AM.