more invites to give away
6 in total
PM me with your steam details if you want

theyr going a bit overboard on the invites lately
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
True that, I've seen lots of invites lately, probably meaning that the last heroes aren't that far to be released (like techies, medusa, tuskkar, etc).
Still waiting for it to be f2p, and waiting for a good south america server (I have shittier latency in the SA one that in both of north america ones :v)
still waiting for a fair load of heroes, theyv been talking of a fairly big 4 hero patch soon though.
techies, medusa, tuskar, troll warlord, skywrath mage, ember spirit, bristleback, pheonix, legion commander, goblin shredder, pitlord, sould keeper, arc warden, tauren chieftan and winter wyvern.

so 14 heroes left still.
i dont know what their plan is, but i guess theyr getting close to the point where they can release it as a full game now.

and tbh, im dreading the day when they bring techies back in. a good techies is terrifying, complete map control.
Cant wait to get bristleback and pitlord back though.

Havnt been playing much recently, been on a losing streak aswell... had my first decent game in ages, last night with Razor.
and they all quit. typical. ended 8-1.
such an under-rated hero, if you can get that early vanguard its gg. enough tank to survive while stealing their damage, being level 11 and stealing 80dmg from their carries in a team battle is evil.
typically, razor isnt the best carry, but his early-mid game is so strong, allows the hard carries to get their farm in.
Last edited by BenDover; Dec 13, 2012 at 10:21 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
What I love doing is getting bane randoming;
you go out of base with a soul ring, and from level 3 up, you are unstoppable. The funny stuff is that you aren't getting focused because you aren't "the fearable hero" as it could be a carry (like krove or n'aix, other 2 of my fav heroes)... ; D
Also, hating razor.
Also, Timber added
Last edited by Tinerr; Jan 11, 2013 at 06:36 PM.
Lich is kind of a ridiculous hero. As far as support go, he is pretty close to vengeful.
In a safe lane you can deny >75% of xp and you get your own free last hit guaranteed.

our lane was 8 (carry) and 4 (me, lich support), they were 3 and 3. We also had 1 suicide, 1 middle, 1 jungle.
Crazy domination.

Support heroes are great.
Though in pubs you get so much goddamn carry...
I just supported with a Lina... I feel it's a good support, but could do great stuff if correctly fed (with bloodstone + agh she is incredible). I have the same feeling while playing Lion, they aren't just heroes with great ults, they can be awfully annoying and umbeatable on 1v1/1v2.
Lina as support is OK, but she really needs XP I think.

There's a ton of better support heroes than her, but I do like playing mages as support (or at least not taking the feed with the mage).

Pubs love to play carries, and I usually play single draft, so more often than not I'm playing support. Sometimes I get something great like lich or vengeful, but often I'm a support carry or mage... Even drow makes a decent support - plus it confuses your enemies if they don't pay attention.

Played a game not long ago as obsidian destroyer support, he is stupidly powerful, you can gank straight away and just not give a shit, complete lane domination hero.

EDIT: I have a tengu courier I'd like to trade for a frog or yak. Have other items too if anyone has a yak or frog they want to trade.

EDIT2: I still think the OP is inaccurate. The game is simple to learn and is fairly slow paced. Memorizing a shit ton of heroes and items is a pain though, but that's just another design fault, it doesn't play too much of a role in pub games.
Last edited by ImmortalCow; Jan 9, 2013 at 11:24 AM.
So, another hero I don't like that much added:

Annnd textures for tuskkar and troll warlord added in this patch, preparing to release them soon (hopefully).
More info about this last patch over here.
Last edited by Tinerr; Jan 11, 2013 at 06:41 PM.
Shitload of medusas in pubs, and i did not met atleast 1 medusa with good skill..

Also Timbersaw and Medusa are a bit uselesse, imho

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