Endurance Onslaught 6.0

The arrow thuds into the door frame, quivering. One of the assailants (now identifiable as the two patrons with broadswords) engages Terme with a swift slash to the abdomen. The other runs to intercept the guards.

Central Plains

The soldier reaches down with his shield, blocking the sword, and kicks Raethan in the shin with his left (from his perspective, that is) foot, and raises his sword.
Last edited by Thorn; Mar 24, 2012 at 06:27 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Central Plains

Raethan didn't expect the man to kick him, but he quickly managed to regain his balance in time to see the man swinging his sword at him. thinking quickly, he steps even closer to the man holding his shield close to the mans sword arm so he could take away some of the momentum the man might gain, then goes to stab him in the stomach.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip

Setting his blade to deflect the incoming blade toward the ground, Terme quickly moves away from the blow, but towards the man to close the distance between the two of them. Taking tight grasp of the parcel, Terme shoulder charges him.
Last edited by Lawrence1; Mar 24, 2012 at 06:43 AM.
Central Plains

The sword is knocked from the soldier's hand as the shield hits his arm. He stumbles back and gasps as Raethan's sword pierces his middle. After a short second of surprise, he meets Raethan's gaze and roars, moving further into the blade. His last act is spitting blood into his enemies face. He slumps and slides off of the sword.

Meanwhile, most of the fighting has ceased, and Raethan's allies stand over their enemies. Few, but victorious. Ethan sits next to his own opponent, panting. More than just the soldier he intercepted lay dead near him.


The assassin grabs Terme's shoulder and spins with him, kicking at his feet as they go, bringing them both to the ground. The assassins lays atop Terme, struggling to both keep the bodyguard on the ground and get in a position to end the fight.
Last edited by Thorn; Mar 24, 2012 at 06:47 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Central Plains

"Gross," Raethan says aloud, wiping the blood from his face. He walks over to Ethan. "We got them. I told you we could take them, Iter."
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
The fight's moved to the ground now. I need to overtake him.
Finally dropping the parcel, Terme takes hold of the assassin's neck roughly. He uses the struggling to his advantage and leans his body the same direction the assailant leads, in an attempt to turn him over.
Last edited by Lawrence1; Mar 24, 2012 at 06:37 PM.
Central Plains

Ethan stands.

"Yeah, I guess. We should go back to Central so they can send someone to clean up the mess. I could really use a drink."

He brushes himself off and regroups with the remaining soldiers to depart.


As soon as the assassin is turned over, an arrow that was most likely intended for Terme thuds into the skull of the assailant. He goes limp.

There are screams from the street to the right as the other assassin kills three guards, keeping the others busy.
Last edited by Thorn; Mar 25, 2012 at 09:56 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Anger and frustration well up within Terme as the life rushes out of one of the men responsible for Noxus' death. He knows it should have been his blade that ended the man's life. He vows not to let Noxus' death go unavenged.

He scrambles to his feet, retrieving the parcel as he moves. Looking at the angle of the arrow in the man's head and the other embedded in the door frame, he begins scanning for the archer(s) in the direction the arrows came from.
Last edited by Lawrence1; Mar 26, 2012 at 03:16 AM.
Central Plains

"Yeah I'll be right there"

Raethan pulls out a cloth that he had tucked away in his belt, wipes his sword clean, and follows Ethan back to the group.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip

There is nothing visible on the rooftops. Whoever is shooting is good at hiding.

More guards arrive, and even with reinforcements, the assassin fights on, killing guards left and right, ignoring the countless wounds that build up.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor