Thank god.

Not gonna lie, you won't be missed.

Nameless, you totally called it by the way:

[12:38] <Less|Away> I think he's gonna leave, when he learns that he won't get promoted.
Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Bye guys,
Clan fails without ray, sil,muur. Yes, I did join to be on a list. Since I wasn't promoted...You know the rest. Yeah I'm probably going to clan hop. kthnxbye

Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...

Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Bye guys,
Clan fails without ray, sil,muur

You're gay as shit.

Big genital guy hmu ladies
Just because he did shit you didn't want him to doesn't give you the right to blatantly insult him.

Tehpixelman: If I ever, ever see you insult someone using such profane slang to someone just because they made some mistakes(like everyone does), I will see to it that your flamer ass gets kicked out and blacklisted. Got it?

I am completely disappointed in all of you for your immaturity. Maybe YOU should grow up. Sure, the dude was power hungry and a "bad" member, but you have no right to say any of those things. This is your only warning.
I may have felt a tad honored by his statement, however it was extremely false.

This clan is still incredibly amazing.

I barely did anything in my position.

In my opinion, the members are the ones who make this clan thrive.

I personally think he only quit, because he couldn't spam every thread.

Oh well.
Way to go being thought police there, Ray.

I agree that the "you're gay" was uncalled for but that's the only thing that I see as being wrong here.

Don't try to censor shit that isn't even that bad. If you don't want to express what you think because it may be offensive, that's fine, but don't push that bullshit on me.
Originally Posted by LWafflez View Post
Thank god.

Not gonna lie, you won't be missed.

Nameless, you totally called it by the way:

[12:38] <Less|Away> I think he's gonna leave, when he learns that he won't get promoted.

You could've tried a "goodbye" or "see you later" in addition to that. All you did was make it seem like he's a gigantic burden that was just lifted from your shoulders. If you didn't want him in the clan, it's called kicking him out, not waiting until he quits and then saying "Oh thank God, the idiot left!"
I have to agree with ray on that one. I was expecting him to be kicked, but decided not to make the suggestion, as I wasn't a member. But, he's gone, that's that.
#Magnus - #Sigma
I could have said "goodbye" or "see you later", but I didn't. What are you going to do about it?

I was going to talk to Lumie about kicking him but saw this before the chat could occur.