Original Post
Forums Visual Overhaul
Hi, we're currently working on visual overhaul for forums and would like to gather some of your thoughts / showcase what we've got so far.
This thread (and this post in particular) will be receiving updates as we add more stuff.

You can also try it yourself by enabling "Modern" forum skin in User CP options:

Base theme will be dark but we'll also be making a light one based on it once it's finished.
You'll still be able to use current default styling (forums only) if you wish.

Some misc info:
- New visuals are built with Bootstrap.
- All pages scale accordingly to your device screen size. On some pages, that would also hide less important information for devices with smaller screens (see screenshots below).
- Fonts we use are Roboto, Roboto Condensed for top navigation and Badaboom.
- We want to bring back post voting/rating system.
- Search is now available for all users who can make posts.
- Social groups and Competitions modules have been disabled due to their redundancy.

Forum Home

Board view

Thread view


User CP

Some details on breadcrumbs:
Breadcrumbs (top dark bar with "Toribash Community / Toribash / ..." text) is always visible and will stick to top of your screen both in desktop and mobile mode. In mobile, it's also used to hold a button to open main navigation menu.
Quick search will search for threads or posts within forum section, board or thread you're currently viewing. For example, searching "Overhaul" from forum home, News board and this thread will give you three different results. If you want to apply custom search settings, choose "Advanced search" option from the right breadcrumbs dropdown menu. When viewing user's page (member.php), it will search for the user under specified name.
Last edited by sir; Sep 26, 2019 at 01:11 PM.
Originally Posted by Goomba View Post
Is there a reason hairs don't show up?
Or is that not implemented yet?

Hairs are done with Toribash engine and are unlikely to stay in their current form in TBN. Same applies to flames (they also aren't displayed, forgot to mention that).

Originally Posted by Wounder View Post
it'd be cool if we could choose from a list of multiple poses for our tori on the profile page

Poses, customizable background colors / textures will be available later, yes.

Originally Posted by Hi View Post
Everything feels kind of cluttered, was hoping for a completely new redesign kinda like website

I can understand the initial confusion because new design looks different from an old one, but saying this looks less cluttered? Idk man.

Originally Posted by Wounder View Post
I just can't get used to this layout, the topics are too far centered so it's annoying to try and view them, i'd suggest stretching it out and not leaving big spaces on both sides.

Also on a mac when I command + click on a topic it's supposed to open that to a new window, now it does that but it will also direct my current page to the intended page, which i'm not trying to do, so it gives me two windows of the same thread.

What's your screen size? Padding is ~8% on each side for larger screens, it shouldn't feel like too much.
Fixed the ctrl/cmd + click behavior, should be working properly now.
Sorry if this has been asked before but will there be a dark mode for the old layout?

I've been using an extension for it for a while but i obviously cant do it on phone so an official one would be nice.
I made this suggestion in S&I a while ago, and I didn't find anyone reinforcing it here but... Do you plan to make the message box preview any better? (Weppet said it is already possible but I never was able to make it work)
One of the most annoying things to me for such a long time in forums was having to use these BBCodes or whatever it's called, and would be super fancy to have a "quick preview" or something like the examples I posted in my S&I thread. With thatI mean if plan towill make any changes related to post reply routine

also, I think this:
is another valid idea

one more thing, I haven't been following the community updates lately, is ever be an integrated feature of the forums?
Last edited by Lionet; Sep 27, 2019 at 01:54 PM.
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Originally Posted by Joel View Post
Sorry if this has been asked before but will there be a dark mode for the old layout?

No, old style will only have the default theme.

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
I made this suggestion in S&I a while ago, and I didn't find anyone reinforcing it here but... Do you plan to make the message box preview any better? (Weppet said it is already possible but I never was able to make it work)
One of the most annoying things to me for such a long time in forums was having to use these BBCodes or whatever it's called, and would be super fancy to have a "quick preview" or something like the examples I posted in my S&I thread. With thatI mean if plan towill make any changes related to post reply routine

We have WYSIWYG editor - which apparently fails to load on majority of new browsers but I'll get it fixed.

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
also, I think this:
is another valid idea

I want to try push notifications later, but it isn't top priority for the time being.

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
one more thing, I haven't been following the community updates lately, is ever be an integrated feature of the forums?

Can't say for sure, but it'd likely stay its own thing.
Not sure if it's sjust me but when i'm typing like righjt now the text is all black, and the forums are also black, which means I can't see my text when I type
Originally Posted by Wounder View Post
Not sure if it's sjust me but when i'm typing like righjt now the text is all black, and the forums are also black, which means I can't see my text when I type

i also have this issue
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Originally Posted by Wounder View Post
Not sure if it's sjust me but when i'm typing like righjt now the text is all black, and the forums are also black, which means I can't see my text when I type

Got the same issue, is harder on mobile xd
Originally Posted by Wounder View Post
Not sure if it's sjust me but when i'm typing like righjt now the text is all black, and the forums are also black, which means I can't see my text when I type

You need to disable WYSIWYG editor in control panel, it's likely set as default for you (and well, everyone else who's getting the same issue). It used to be disabled for almost all modern browsers as vB backend we use doesn't know Chrome / Chrome-based browsers exist.
I'll make it work properly tomorrow, now it uses default black text / transparent bg combo that makes it unreadable on dark theme.

WYSIWYG editor would also be the reason for error 500 when entering advanced post edit mode, that will also get fixed next week.
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
Can we get the upvote and downvote buttons? I think it would be fun to watch reactions

Yes, but a bit later. Plan is to make it somewhat similar to reddit's upvote system.
Last edited by sir; Sep 29, 2019 at 09:11 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump