
shit's doing great, I might have to start focusing on vit though, it's a pain to focus all my specials on quick exits and tank for 5 seconds skills
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
i don't care about anything except hitting things and whimsyshire

this thread is now about whimsyshire
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Did you manage to get past the first difficulty? Because the developers say that normal is similar to a tutorial. Trust me, if you think the game is easy beat inferno with less then 100 hours playtime on a character. (no, that doesn't mean corpse jumping or speed running and skipping all mobs as a wizard)

If the first 1/3 of the content is boring why would anyone want to continue... Besides that I've seen the inferno bossfights and they are the same just with more HP/damage. Just making things have higher numbers doesn't make them more interesting, or make you have to use tactics, it just makes them take longer.

I have no interest in speed running a storyline game 'cos thats how u no ur good'.
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
If the first 1/3 of the content is boring why would anyone want to continue... Besides that I've seen the inferno bossfights and they are the same just with more HP/damage. Just making things have higher numbers doesn't make them more interesting, or make you have to use tactics, it just makes them take longer.

I have no interest in speed running a storyline game 'cos thats how u no ur good'.

it's pointless to even try to convince you because if you paid any attention to the game or actually tried inferno or followed ANYTHING to do with diablo you would know tons of people are actually complaining about inferno being too difficult and them not being able to even clear one pack of blues and/or white mobs.

in inferno, a blue pack has 4 attributes completely fucking you over, along with more then 5 times the health as health and damage.

throughout each difficulty, each boss's AI increases, some use new abilities, get completely new mechanics and have more then 20x the health on hell.

trust me, if you just mindlessly hit ANYTHING in inferno, you'll die.

(also, bossfights are easier compared to blue mobs/yellow mobs.)

Tryton and I

so I was playing with Tryton earlier and he totally bailed on me. This is me proving I am awesomer through the cunning use of body mass
puny human
Last edited by sid; May 25, 2012 at 12:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
I just bought a new computer, my old one ran this game in slow-mo and it was frustrating to play (I was running Windows XP Service pack 3 with 2gb Ram and a really under-par video card) plus I froze in every LoL team fight and baron (For some reason my brother still plays XP SP3 + 2gb ram+Duo Core Processor + A low-mid end Nvidia card and the game works flawlessly). I played about an hour with my new character and the game is totally addicting (I had played the beta on a friends computer though and I hated the beta). I was a hardcore fan of Diablo II, and I'm happy with Diablo III.

Add me up, Atlantic#1790

Originally Posted by LWafflez View Post
I am disappointed that Blizzard won't support LAN on this game. I was kinda disappointed when it happened to Starcraft 2, but I'm a bigger fan of the Diablo series. I'm seriously contemplating not buying it anymore because of that. The most fun I had on Diablo 2 was playing in a room with friends.

Also, this, but its still possible to play with friends, you just need internet.
Last edited by Liquidoom; May 25, 2012 at 01:27 PM.
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Originally Posted by Lume View Post
it's pointless to even try to convince you because if you paid any attention to the game or actually tried inferno or followed ANYTHING to do with diablo you would know tons of people are actually complaining about inferno being too difficult and them not being able to even clear one pack of blues and/or white mobs.

in inferno, a blue pack has 4 attributes completely fucking you over, along with more then 5 times the health as health and damage.

throughout each difficulty, each boss's AI increases, some use new abilities, get completely new mechanics and have more then 20x the health on hell.

trust me, if you just mindlessly hit ANYTHING in inferno, you'll die.

(also, bossfights are easier compared to blue mobs/yellow mobs.)

I thought I already said this, but anyway, difficult != interesting. If I made a game where you have to click on 1 pixel within 1 second, and it changes spots every time, it would be a boring but hard game.

If you look at how the characters actually play in that video, you can see they are all novices. The ranged chars don't even stutter step, the barb just spams stuns even though his party is not in a position to support, the monk nearly dies vs an add! The wizard is the worst of them all - it doesn't even understand the mechanics of incinerate and ends up wasting all his mana to little effect.

Perhaps because I have a strong ARPG heritage I am simply too good for this game? Surely I'm not the only one that can mass damage and waltz through everything like nobody's business. Maybe Wizard is just overpowered? Comparing my Wiz to Sid's Barb, my Wiz had 2000 DPS at lvl 30. I know Barbs are a bit more tanky, but I probably kill things a lot easier. Heck, even if the enemy is "rly tuff" I just lay down diamond armor and tank it. Another example is the Ragnaroth boss, lots of high damage players complained that the teleport attack would 1 hit them and was too hard. I had no trouble with this, it was so trivial to dodge that there was never a problem. Honestly I don't see how someone with 400 ping can have faster reflexes than someone with 80 ping, but whatever that is the only way I can explain this.

I know people love to say that Inferno requires more tactics or whatever, but it really doesn't. If you play like a scrub through normal and nightmare then of course you think "oh I can't keep playing like this". But if you started playing D3 as a good player already, then you stutterstep and AoE your way through, using tactics that are apparently only necessary in Inferno. As a result you don't take any damage, and you can just mass DPS. By compensating for lower health with higher DPS, the game is ridiculously easy. But hey, perhaps this is part of Blizzards strat to make the game accessible to new players.

All in all this links back to what I have been saying the whole time - this game is not a maturation of the ARPG genre. If you don't know what I mean by that, let me quickly explain maturation of genres; at first a genre is new, so all the conventions are not set, but over time the conventions solidify and the older conventions are not explained, as the genre progresses the amount of solidified features grows, thus there is a lot of things that the game assumes you know. This makes is hard for new players. A good and easy example of this is text based RPGs. Anyone who has played them knows that HJKL are usually used for movement - instead of WASD. However since this feature has been around for years, it isn't explained in most cases. Newer games may change this to WASD to make it easier for newbies. Actually a real life case is Chantelise, which didn't explain that the control keys are ZXC - for years all doujin games had used ZXC so it went without saying, however when Chantelise was released internationally it left some players alienated.

So back to D3, Blizzard does not assume that you have skills like stutterstep, mana conservation, good sense when choosing which spell to cast. Thus we have a ton of stuns, fast mana regen, and people who don't understand how disintegrate works and end up using it wrong :P

For people who do have said skills, the game is crazy easy. I feel like Blizzard was dishonest by not saying they were not offering any content for veteran player.
Originally Posted by sid View Post

Tryton and I

so I was playing with Tryton earlier and he totally bailed on me. This is me proving I am awesomer through the cunning use of body mass
puny human

fuck, I gave you some powers to triplicate your damage :v...
Also, I love play with you *--*


And I'll add you liguidoom
Last edited by Tryton; May 25, 2012 at 10:17 PM.
He probably assumed so based on how hard Diablo 2 was on normal in comparison with how hard Diablo 3 is on normal ( and thus could have thought that Diablo 3 Inferno is Diablo 2 Hell for the casual gamer). Diablo 3 was designed for the casual american underage gamer, which means that you get spoon fed until you learn the ropes. By then, all you need to beat the higher levels is just gear, which is even easier to obtain now via auction house.