i just got a virus before christmas, i dont even know what its called but first it deleted windows32 and then fried my motherboard. i said fuck it and bought a new computer.
Well, I can't say I was affected by a virus. It was on my computer though, I just knew it was a virus and never ran it
Originally Posted by Ostakex View Post
Well, I can't say I was affected by a virus. It was on my computer though, I just knew it was a virus and never ran it

Well that's stupid. Your computer would detect it eventually and keep bugging you to delete it. Or it could someway execute itself. <_<
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Well I had that antivirus360 thing. Got that bastard real easy.
But apparently having more than one conflicting antivirus causes MASSIVE SYSTEM FAILURE!
Seriously, my computer desktop went back into the stone age and everything broke, USB drives, CD drives.
Absolutely everything.
just formatted my computer at night...i dont even know what virus was NOD32 didnt notice 20 GB toribash stuff gone...all of it...and i cant even get those back!
Originally Posted by jaredvcxz View Post
NOD32? What is that?

I believe it's a vital registry key.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"