Actually, I did some experiments starting with decent, good openers. Then, the improvising comes along.
master of the universe
ahh K

Here's one Run-ish boom and One Rain Decap

EDIT added 1 more madman
Attached Files
# New Rain Cap2.rpl (60.6 KB, 7 views)
# New Run Boom1.rpl (83.0 KB, 6 views)
# New Madman 2.rpl (105.1 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by deathdancerr; Sep 12, 2009 at 03:36 PM.
UTM 4ever |4bb не для слабаков
Replay I wanted to add. This has no editing. Complete coincidence. Seriously, it only took me 5 minutes, started with a judo opener in school too. : D
Attached Files
Ard - No way.rpl (167.8 KB, 9 views)
master of the universe
Ard: I am sorry but I won't be able to really describe what happened there. The replay was laggy and I could barely imagine what was done. Ok, I got a simple replay that I have done in about 16 mins. It's an old replay that I was able do in the time when I was completely not in the mood of playing toribash. That's where it got it's name. Ard might have seen it but I'm sure it's still entertaining till now.
Attached Files
MYI_Not_in_the_mood.rpl (189.5 KB, 10 views)
MYI: Yeah I know, it did the same thing on my computer.

Not in the mood: 'Tis the replay you showed me when we were in DIAF It's pretty awesome, although that last kick ruined it a bit, the one after the first kick that was a decap.

Also, while you're here, rate these replay's. Some of them are recently done, some are old, some are grabby, but with booms. I think. So yeah, C&C pl0x.
Attached Files
Ard - madman madness.rpl (172.4 KB, 8 views)
Ard vs. uke.rpl (199.4 KB, 6 views)
Ard - The power of boredom.rpl (234.1 KB, 7 views)
Ard - single hacky sack.rpl (122.3 KB, 9 views)
master of the universe
Madman Madness: Can you stop imitating my replay names? >.>
Anyways,I kinda liked that replay.But I must say,some points ruined the replay.First,you should really try making nongrab almost used grabbing in every part of the replay.Also, in the beginning of the replay,after you made that twirl and DM'd uke's left shoulder and used your left arm in DM'ing uke's right pec,you had a perfect chance to decapitate uke by using your left arm to punch right between uke's head and right pec.This might cause in Dming both the head and right pec of uke.I would like to say that you also didn't get advantage of the first kick in the hips that you made.Try extending your elbow and rotating the chest and lowering the arm at the right time to give an even more powerful kick and most likely boomshot his glutes and hips altogether.The rest of the replay was a grabbing mayhem.I should say I was quite impressed how you managed to get all the DMs.It's a good replay though it needs some fixing.Also, at the part when you were using your hands to DM what was remaining of uke,why didnt you use your legs in some other things?Like,dont focus only on one part of the body.That is what makes most of the replays successful.You can use your legs in Dming uke's elbows or knees because I don't like when there are big parts of uke (whole leg,whole arm)still remaining.Use every part of your body in a proper and mostly a fast way.Strength is nothigng without speed.Speed up your replays.It might help.Overall 7.3/10
Wow.My fingers are aching.But never mind.Next replay up is:
Ard vs uke:I will have to skip this one. Sorry. I don't judge such replays because it isn't made in classic and won't be able to tell you what do to and what should uke also do.That would not be fair.
Ok.Here's the next replay:
Ard - The power of boredom: Again ard,you grabbed really much this time.Anyways ard after the first kick that Dm'd uke's hip,you went for DMing the pec with your left arm.You had much much momentum at that time,and you really could have done better at that moment.Try contracting the elbow when your arm is a little bit away from uke's body.And contract the wrist till the halfway.That method is used by pros to boomshot things easier using arms and wrists. Also try removing the spaces between the DM's.It was like you were dming stuff to fast and suddenly stopped for a while then continued DMing.Rip every part of uke in a flash.Don't make the viewer even know what just happened there.Overall 7.8/10.
Ok..........Next replay:
Single hacky sack:Erm is that some kind of joke or something >.<?
Anyway I don't have much to say over this one. I don't rate modded replays.But I could say a few words. First, Relax the joints. Don't just throw the ball and stay like a statue. Do something stylish. Like a dance, a flip, or anything else. Even try making your throws stylish. Like throw the ball from under your leg or something of that kind.Ok.that's all I can say about this one.Overall score is: I lol'd.
Ok next replay is:
Ard - Some sort of boomhits:I haven't got much to say about this one either.It's just because I haven't got much time now to sit on the forums.So I'll make this quick. Ard, grabbing is not your friend XD. I still don't get why did you hold uke in the air after you DM'd uke's right pec and shoulder. That made it kinda stupid. I really got impressed this time with your replay ard.Though you still did grab.But it was one excellent replay. Overall 8.5. Good job .
Ok now I will have a roam around the forums to check out some stuff before I leave. I hope you guys have fun making new replays and stuff. Oh and I almost forgot,I wanted to show you my own Madman Madness that somebody stole it's name.*Cough* Ard *Cough*. Actually I won't hide anything now. This replay was the FIRST proper madman I have ever done. This replay was also the first step in reaching the expert replay maker position. It's still surprising me how I shifted from a total noob to a good replay maker. Have fun watching it. Later ;)
Attached Files
MYI_madman_madness.rpl (239.4 KB, 12 views)
My grabs were on purpose :3

Anyway, that's one shit load of typing right there.

Madman Madness: Can you stop imitating my replay names? >_>

It was really grabby, and I didn't like the part where you tore uke apart using only both your hands for a second, but then, that last kick was good and the pose was not bad, although attractive ;) 9/10

And that Ard vs. uke, I did everything, no script and all. I controlled both of them to be honest. :V

E: Also,

Madness: Very fucking stiff replay here, although the manipulation was pretty good.

Leg Madness: I used grabbing as manipulation. So don't criticize me about the grabbing thing xD

Rawr: This took no editing, really. Edited part was just on the posing.

E2: 3 pretty simple replay's. They all could've been better, just that I'm so tired right now.
Attached Files
Ard - madness.rpl (198.9 KB, 12 views)
Ard - leg madness.rpl (109.7 KB, 8 views)
Ard - rawr.rpl (137.2 KB, 9 views)
Ard - spin decap guy thing.rpl (77.0 KB, 8 views)
Ard - Pawnch Combo.rpl (184.2 KB, 10 views)
Ard - Punch n' Kick.rpl (96.2 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Virtue; Sep 20, 2009 at 05:31 PM.
master of the universe

Madness I already rated before is old replay no xd

leg madness - to me it looks like you're doing some sort of 'phantom hits' that I can't spot xd, bit too grabby though 8/10

rawr: wtf no editing, it's awesome, again, a bit grabby, and that last kick looked like it had a load more of potential again 8/10 xd

spin: well that's one postion I haven't seen that created a spin, the kick was kinda meh and easy though 6.5/10

punch combo: the punches after the first one look effortless yet they manage to dismember/boom, espically on that (grabby) last one, nice job 8.5/10

punch 'n kick: nice boom followed by a well aimed hit at the neck, just not very stylish 7/10

kek nao my crappy grabby replays

keep going: the most stiff and grabby and slow madman in zis list, still I like a couple of the hits

combos: grabby punch followed by two kicks and an elbow smash in very quick sucession, too lazy to continue it xd

freaking awesome: decap + split + dearm or however you call it xd

naic: my first attempt at breakdancing, it sux xd can only do one full spin before having to cut down on my momentum
Attached Files
keep going.rpl (212.6 KB, 13 views)
combos.rpl (137.8 KB, 15 views)
freaking awesome.rpl (126.4 KB, 12 views)
naic.rpl (98.6 KB, 13 views)
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Sep 26, 2009 at 01:05 PM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Keep going: It was good, but grabby. Manipulation was good, the part where your head landed on the ground made it bad. 7/10

Combos: Fucking awesome, but the decap you did with the punch was a grab. I edited the replay of that into a powerful no-grab punch just to see which was better. (See below) 9.5/10

Freaking awesome: The decap was once again a grab, although when you threw it, it turned out pretty good. 9/10

Naic: At least you can dance, I can't. lol, the spin was good, but I thought of it as a common dance move. 8/10


2 replay's here. I wanted to see which was better among the two so yeah. Also Deprived's edited replay.

NOTE: The head grab decap was on purpose to throw at one of the limbs of uke. 'Cept the Boom thing replay. :<
Attached Files
Ard - Boom thing.rpl (187.6 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Virtue; Sep 26, 2009 at 09:26 AM.
master of the universe
Hey Ard, did you notice that in both replays you do two boom kicks, then grabby decap the head, and in that both replays the lumbar + abs went quite far away from all the other flying uke parts, and that in both replays you sent uke's head in the general direction of the abs + lumbar?


That said, I'm impressed with those booms in both replays, I still don't get how you do it. Both of zem are 9.5/10, just remove the grabby decap and it would be near-perfect.

@the punch, I know that you have to extend the "powering" hip in order to get that punch to be a no-grab decap, it's just that I couldn't get the spin right in order to combo my next two kicks after the punch after extending that hip. Still, thanks for the input.

So I made two replays in quite short order - here

kicky - the replay was strongly influenced by your style, sadly, no kickbooms, but long range kicks (no grabby decap!) and no spin in the air like you do it, but still...

head surgery - my tori needed a new head - he guessed he could borrow one from uke, after splitting him and spliting his legs, and using one of the halves of uke's legs as a medical instrument, of course
Attached Files
kicky.rpl (178.2 KB, 9 views)
head surgery.rpl (209.9 KB, 11 views)
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'