Originally Posted by NickJohann View Post
Hey guys I have a question. Should i quit tb and get mental help, or keep playing tb and stay depressed.

Let me tell you something Nick, right know I am visiting a therapist because
I got some minor depressions. The therapist told me that the depression can be cause by body physical changes,low self-esteem and stress. She makes me realize by showing me some real-life stories that they are other people in this world with worst problems, but that not matter wat happen they keep up and have the success in life. So in my case, I was embarrassed by acne in my face. I did not like to go out and I choose to stay home and hide from the world.

But one day I thought, why to ruin my life just for a small red dot in my face, if there is people who have a worst conditions and they don't care wat people think about them. She evens told me that anything we make will be criticize, If we make it good or worst. Right now my self-esteem is great, I began to go out with my family and I love it!, I feel much better now. So nick, If you ever need someone to talk, talk with me and let it out, I will listen to you .

*Plz do not quit toribash*
You are my brother from another mother :P
Last edited by Neru; Jul 7, 2011 at 11:00 PM.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. stupid doc gave me a fucking happy pill, im not taking it xD
Life is ok for the moment, I just need a lil therapy thats all, <3 you guys
Life is like a box o chocolates, and I ate that box o chocolates,
Originally Posted by NickJohann View Post
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. stupid doc gave me a fucking happy pill, im not taking it xD
Life is ok for the moment, I just need a lil therapy thats all, <3 you guys

Haha good man. We are here for u XD
Originally Posted by Parker1287 View Post
I say don't quit tb, as long as you enjoy it. When you're depressed, the last thing you should do is quit the things you like to do.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you on your point about the medications dill. My girlfriend has OCD (actually real, not some facebook shit "OMG im liek sooo OCD about my stuff lawl XD <3<3<3") and anxiety disorder. She takes medicine for both. I never saw her without the meds, but apparently before she was diagnosed, she was a NIGHTMARE. But now with the medications, you'd never know it, you'd think she was just a nervous person.

My advice would be to accept the prescription, and before you take them, ask any questions you can think of (side effects and the like) and do some independent research to see what other people's experiences with that medication have been like. Then make your decision.

Just my opinion, not saying you're wrong dill, your experience with this has clearly been very different from mine.

Also, maybe you could join a gym or something. A good daily workout is great for overall health and happiness, it releases chemicals in your brain that give you a feeling similar to a high. Plus it will improve your cardiovascular health and how you feel about your body image. At the very least it can give you a goal, or purpose, a reason to get up and out of the house. Having something to strive towards is excellent for combating depression. In the best case, that fukken sexy new bod might get you some hunnies, also great for depression if you know what i mean ;)

Or who knows, maybe you might meet a nice girl there and suddenly find yourself with a loving, steady girlfriend who will be there to help you whenever you need it.

Don't worry man, things won't stay this way forever. Just find some reason to get out the house, something that you like, something that will let you meet new people and enrich your life

Also I'm just talking about antidepressants. If you are diagnosed with something incredibly bad than meds are necessary. I'm just talking about when doctors prescribe anti-depressants for depressed ppl. I have a few friends myself who need meds for their conditions like my friend has meds for his bipolar disorder.
Last edited by dillon207; Jul 8, 2011 at 05:39 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Rogue clown
Originally Posted by NickJohann View Post
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. stupid doc gave me a fucking happy pill, im not taking it xD
Life is ok for the moment, I just need a lil therapy thats all, <3 you guys

The only natural happy pills are ur friends (:3),
get well nick <3.
Last edited by Neru; Jul 8, 2011 at 05:46 PM.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
;< minor depressions aren't anything kind of a big deal, there are a lot of harsher disorders

anyways, Nick, get better, we love you
Don't you see that you hurt me?
Originally Posted by Isa View Post
;< minor depressions aren't anything kind of a big deal, there are a lot of harsher disorders

anyways, Nick, get better, we love you

Isa why u sad? ur avy and punch line are pretty emo
Rogue clown