Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Anyone playing on PC?

I can't believe they actually made the controls worse. What the fuck were they thinking - heavy left hand on Y button? A bound to shift+click and cannot be bound to a key AND it's not even a global bind!!! Are these guys serious?

Also what the fuck did they do to the parry timing? I don't even... The timing on everything is so slow...

This looks like it might take some time to get used to...

I went to the first area (fire tower?) and cleared the area which took fucking ages because it takes 50+ hits to kill 1 mob and they drop practically no souls. Where the heck do I even get a weapon...

Do I need to change some setting to get rid of input lag? There's a very noticable lag..........

fire tower is pretty tough if you plan going there first, try going to forest of fallen giants (the actual 1st area) and try going back to heide's tower of flame when you get to a higher level.

also, i heard about the input lag and shit so I just ended up playing with my wired xbox controller. it's much easier and i'm currently a bit over halfway through the game but i'm getting really tired of my greatsword + shield build. it's really pretty boring and i think i'm going to start a new one (dual caestus or something like that) soon and maybe it will be a bit more entertaining
equipt scaling seems more pronounced in this one.

Also is there any way to coop with friends only? It takes a good 2 minutes for a sign to appear, and then you have to sit there saying "SOMEONE IS SUMMONING ME IS THAT YOU?!?! SHOULD I CANCEL?!"

This game pretty disappointing so far tbh, it's just an easier dks1 with all the same problems and then some...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
it seems that way, yeah

Just easier... That's the main thing
Done most bosses first try, which as good as it may sound, sucks.

They just seem like they were lazy during the end of development. Prime example, Lost Sinner fight.
You un-lock closer, unlike any other enemy, it's clearly supposed to be that when he jumps away it's pitch black and you have no idea where he is, so you need either a torch or to have good reactions. It's blindingly obvious from his moveset and the arena yet they just made it lighter because... I dunno, lazy? Catering to the casual masses?

It's still fun though, having said all that

Mages are so dull to PvP against, most people who duel are cunts with no etiquette and just gank and there's some dumb katana that outreaches my Dargonslayer Spear...
Those are my primary peeves about the people anyway. Seems like making it easier attracted more of a dickwad audience.

Also Gorman, this morning I was with a friend of mine, no trouble whatsoever. Wear the Name Engraved Ring with the same god, and make sure you both have above 1.5mil soul memory and you should be fine I think

EDIT: Oh, any other Blue Sentinels? Inactive as shit but awesome covenant. Least dicks.
Last edited by Erth; May 12, 2014 at 06:32 PM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.

And yeah some guy invaded, so I bowed and he just runs up and starts attacking?? wtf is with that!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Invading is invading and dueling is dueling.
If you want to have honorable duels go to brotherhood of blood
or blue sentiles place and duel there.
Last edited by Zapekk; May 13, 2014 at 08:24 AM.

That's just a bad mentality that is part of the reason invasions suck more than they should.
"I'm allowed to be a dick because invading means I'm expected to be one"

There's still honourable ways to do it, and at least be less of a twat.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by erth View Post
That's just a bad mentality that is part of the reason invasions suck more than they should.
"I'm allowed to be a dick because invading means I'm expected to be one"

There's still honourable ways to do it, and at least be less of a twat.

This is true but what i've done invasions, got invaded allmost evertime
they attack right away.
I dont really mind tho. As you might know if you're gesturing you can
stop it by rolling.

if you will check any pvp thread about ds you will see a large flock of scrubs who will talk about rights "to defend their progress" and other kind of crap, in other words - scrubs. can heal on the arena and estus is way harder to punsish than in DS 1.
Today I died because of the sprint lag... Seriously going to have to find the 3rd party patch that fixes the lag...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Somehow they made pc controls way fucking worse, pretty much unplayable. I could play perfectly fine with kb+m on ds1.
I don't have any wired controllers other than this shitty third party ps3 controller, but for some reason moving the right analog stick makes me attack and a bunch of other stuff that makes no sense, if I try to rekeybind it still says kb controls....
Pretty annoyed, gonna try to borrow an xbox controller from a friend tomorrow.