This is yo boy maxtix i fixed my account and uh yeah can you send me another invite here is the information just in case

Name: Drake Howell
Date of birth:1985/4/14
GMT: -5
Primary language:English
Secondary language:N/A
Alternate accounts:Option12
Preffered mods:xspar.tbm jisse_sparkour_park Jisse_battleground_heaven etc...
Previous clans:None
Why you want to join: Because, well first of you said you were going to invite me and i want this clan to be the best
What you can offer the clan: Textures and other members
tell josh to finish his spars :<. and nice video sonny is that you guys clan video?
Attached Files
redic.rpl (272.3 KB, 10 views)
Yes, this is clan video.
And btw, i dont like kind of "EPIC MUSIC, BEST MUSIC EVER" i mean i dont like famous things, im trying to making unpopular -> popular ;o
Free Style Sparrer