Post here To Join
If ya want to join fill a form like dis:



Reason to join:

How active u r on forums

How active u r in game:

If u join u have to be active that includes every1 who haz already join cuz we r vry inactive in forums n we'll be a better clan if we r active everywhere

got dat?
lookin for
hey people anyone of you has got;

Vampire Primary Gradient
Vampire Ghost
Vampire Torso

you can make a friendly price
bye bye
Last edited by TOMMYSPA; Dec 7, 2008 at 10:18 PM.
Name: Nnaass

Belt: Blue

Reason to join: my previous clan is sooooo not active and is boring me out

How active on forums: Very

How active on game : Very
Name: jogabonito
Belt: black
Reason To Join: one of the clans with better players in it, i want to be a part of that
Active on Forums: starting to get a little higher
Active on Game: every day