360's are more fun.

And don't get hacked 24/7. Yes, total exaggeration, but still, there is little difference between them except for console exclusive games. So I use whatever I can.

There are better games on 360 if you ask me, except for the Shadow of the Colossus and Ico HD remake. I wish I had a ps3 just for those, and I've already played them a ton on ps2.
I was so confused looking at that, I wasn't sure what it was. I thought it was a face, like something that came out of Amnesia. The glint at the top, I thought was an eye.
If any of you says something about the bag of cookies right there I'll rip your faces off.

;3 Zee new monitor etc.
Centuries Of Damn
I honestly wouldn't even have noticed them if you hadn't mentioned it, so yeah. :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3