I'm sure I posted one but I have thought of another, I was 105MPH on an abandoned road with friends and we almost lost control and would've flipped in the air and probably died.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
Ugh, this experience was like 3/4 months ago
Getting mugged by some random desperate fat fucker with a knife, countered and went too far by stabbing the mugger.
Had to stay on police station overnight until parents came.
Definitely unpleasant.
I was sliding down my street on my longboard, I looked to my left and there was this Hummer at the intersection, I turned so fast I got huge wheel bite and landed on the street. not as bad as getting hit lol.

The street was blocked off before, but I didn't know they opened it back up again xD. I would never have done that had I known cars would be there
It's really a tied from when I fell out of my first tree and my first cross country race, That being because I almost shit my pants during both experiences and was on edge like crazy.
The tree incident was more insane, I suppose. I was about 9-10 feet up climbing a huge tree in my backyard, the all of a sudden the branch I had my trail leg on broke. When It broke, I instinctively jumped backwards while I still had some footing *big mistake*. I ended up in a 9 foot free fall on my back into my glass table that was directly under me to where I was falling. The table shattered and my back and the back of my arms were cut up to all hell. That's when the adrenaline kicked in because I had to run inside to get my phone and call 911. After that I don't remember much. I passed out halfway through the call the operator told the police. Loss of blood or whatever. I woke up in the ER or whatever. The doctor told me that I was lucky no big pieces of glass hit any vital points. So yeah. To be honest, I really didn't feel much pain. Also, parents weren't home and they told me not to go climbing the trees.
Life lesson, Listen to your parents.
[Market Squid] [Editing][OBEY]
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i was playing my ps2 and suddenly my mom give me a vegetables to eat, i suddenly scream and go to the bathroom (because i am had somekind of phobia on vegetables and fruit)
Veggies is good for your health ya know.
woah 2WC, it's good you survived. I have a big tree too on the backyard of my house, but I don't bother to climb because there was this bee hive that will sting you to death and acrophobia
1v5 clutch on CS:GO. I tied the game 15-15.

Really though, I don't remember any other time I've had an adrenaline rush. Other than me playing on these bars and then I fell off and knocked the air out of me. Then I ended up running in the house and couldn't breathe for about 30 seconds.
Last edited by rickie; Nov 18, 2014 at 07:23 PM.
The closest I've ever gotten to the biggest adrenaline rush of my life is the Freefall ride at Six Flags.
The Geese is Leese!
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I'm still at the age where I haven't lost any close family, not looking forward to it.

I experienced this a few weeks ago, and it is truly heartbreaking. Although, after bawling out tears during the funeral and standing outside with those who are still there, you can appreciate the life that is still around. After a good cry, you just feel good about those who are still there and that you still have them. Just bring hankies. Always bring hankies.

Whoops forgot to do my adrenaline rush story EDIT:

It happened today. I was playing dodgeball in school, and me being the only non-athletic guy in the group put me at a severe disadvantage. There I was, cornered by one of the most accurate throwers in the school, who was also an utter beast at sprinting. I tried to run, but my futile uncoordinated legs gave way and I fell onto my bum. I scrambled to my foot, as he stood there smiling with a smug grin as he swung back his arm to slam the ball into my stomach. The immense power of the momentum the ball contains is slammed into my torso... and stays there. I just caught out a super-athletic dude from point-blank range despite the fact that I was barely standing. That then happened two more times in the same game, although they were less beasts than the first. Of course, when the first one happened the crowd went wild and even the athletic lad gave a solemn clap. The other two were simply not as euphoric.
Last edited by rossbarker; Nov 21, 2014 at 10:05 PM.
| old boi | Cyri | Xioi | Chill | SparChar | Fatman | JackMorris |
"Go back in time and get it tomorrow" - Jack
I was like running up the stairs alone at night and I heard like 2 things come up the first flight. I was on the second. I bolted like fucking crazy. It was like someone running after me idfk. This happend yesterday btw. Also rollercoasters
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.