Originally Posted by NormalCitizen View Post
I forgot about this lol.

First off, I never said the universe or mother nature were "gods" I said the universe doesn't care about us, because it doesn't. You would have to be pretty self centered to think that the universe revolves around you, and that life here on earth actually means shit to the universe. Did I say anything about the world revolving around me?

The only reason why people say that God created them in his image, and put them here to eperience things, is to guve their lives meaning. You seem to be centered around the created in his image thing, when it really doesn't mean anything but we look a little like him. But if you died right now, it wouldn't affect the other side of the world in any way. Well, that's not true for everyone. Some people are important, some people aren't. For example, one guy could plant millions of trees or something and help the enviroment. But that has nothing to do with christianity. So why would it affect the whole universe? If the entire earth simply exploded, do you really think the universe would care? That's what I meant by treating the universe as a god, speaking as if it was a concious being.

We aren't this vital component that keeps the universe alive, we are nothing more than a single cell on the zit of a fat teenager. If our cell dies, the teenager doesn't notice. Even if the entire zit is removed, he still won't care. I agree that humans are not important to the earth in much ways but the way I already stated.

And just to be morbid, humanity itself is a disease, constantly draining the resources off our own home planet, and exploiting the other creatures who live here with us. Right. Trees are alive, they respond to stimuli, they can feel pain. They'd need a brain and a nervous system for that, wouldn't they? But we cut down rain forests just for the timber.

I am honestly disgusted by humans, and I have never once felt like I'm supposed to be human. That's your buisness, not mine.

And I really do think humanity should be wiped out, it would do the earth a whole lot of good. As previously stated: "If all humans vanished, 95% of life wouldn't even notice. But if bacteria vanished, all life would end within hours"

If bacteria is more important than us, we either need to do some pretty FOO big contributions for the good of life as I said, or die off as a species.

Your arguement is besides the point, really. You were rambling on about how crazy christianity is and now you're rambling on about how you despise humans and think all of us should be dead.
Originally Posted by EmoTeal View Post
Let's stop flaming like FOO now and get back on topic.

Yes, let's. I'm tired of this crap.