It'll be back, may be a while though.
The entire point of clan is just that though, A group of like-minded people who share a certain attitude or play-style. The tags just make it easier to identify who is in what group.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by Minguito View Post
Hey anyone wanna play??
if so Pm me plz


Oh sorry...
@InfernoXZ Wanna play?

You asked a pointless question that could be settled with PMs, Abdy stated to you that it was spam, yet you basically ask the same question that is directed towards Inf.
No one has decided whether you should join or not, so, careful on what you post here.
Now, I bet that if i wouldnt post this, someone would start an argument on whos fault is it, what who did, etc.

Just chill out guys, you can try next time, personally, im not suprised, im a pesimist, i look at every bad side of things.

The thing, is, Ethereal needs to improve on some things, mainly, the maturity level, maybe it is a, friendly, welcoming clan, but it behaves like a bunch of children, not all of the ethr members, just a few.

Not that i have anything against that, i personally like you guys for what you are, what you do, and how you behave, its alright with me.

Now, the thing that annoys me is, that everyone is now soo noxious about what happened, as i said, its just an approval of some imporant people, i dont find it as a big deal.

Maybe its a different feeling for a clan leader, i have no idea how it feels, i never made a clan/guild/fraction in any sort of enviroment.

So how about we forget about the drama bit and move on? and maybe try again in a few months?
Going to sleep now, ill see what you guys decided to do when i wake up, good night.
Last edited by Metriakon; Oct 16, 2012 at 01:16 AM.
No one has posted yet.
You don't make that kind of post yet.

None of us are obnoxious, really. Sure, we go ingame and play around. We call each other names, but that's all fun and games.

Yes, it would be a different feeling. Ave and Inf have worked very hard, and they didn't give up their first time of being rejected. To be rejected again is pretty hard to deal with.
I'm bummed out aswell because, hey, this clan is hardworking, no matter what our flaws are.
We have some great moments together, and it's all fun.
You wouldn't understand, since you left.

There hasn't been any drama yet, so, you really might want to keep that to yourself until the time might possibly come.
I'm somewhat sure the vote for Ming was abandoned at 2-2, I'm going to change my vote to no. I'm sorry you have been rejected from Ethereal.

Fish responded to my Pm about why we were rejected. Included is a Snippet from the Clan council which states why we were rejected. I'm not sure if he minds me sharing it, If he asks then I'll remove it.

They are an okay unofficial clan, especially with the right circumstances. Overall, though, they aren't prepared to be official. The activity is fine but it's not enjoyed by all members, and the leadership is fine but not impressive. They also seem to do mods and art and stuff, which is nice. Give them some more time to grow savvy and have better structure and they'll be great.

Seems there may be hope still in the future, and that's better than nothing. I'm going to be going over certain aspects over the next couple of days.
Inactivity kicks, Spam warning pm's, the works.
For your records...

You've sent 30000 toricredits to ub3r1337

30,000 TC sent to Ub3r1337
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Oct 16, 2012 at 01:53 AM.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Are you fucking serious....
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Reforms, We need a revolution! (Lol)
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Are you fucking serious....

Don't get mad at their ideas of reform. A clan starts at the leaders, without good leaders you won't get any discipline from the members. For example, spam. Spam is usually an issue for most unofficial clans because they might not understand the differences between "Activeness" and "Posting random non-sense." To limit this you should come up with a punishment system or only keep people who post about legitimate things. I know a "Punishment System" sounds like its harsh but it helps. Also, as for the inactive members. That also makes a clan look bad because it basically shows that people can stay in your clan even if they barely ever play. This would be an issue to the clan council because they think that if your letting in in-active members, then you basically letting in anyone. I know that this is defiantly not true for the clan because I know you guys do take activity checks every once in a while. But, even if there is someone who does good in game and does a lot of posting (Not spam) but they aren't active, they are just as good as someone who is bad in game and never posts. Bottom line, this clan is very good and will only need some touchups to get into official status.

P.S. I know that you might disagree with what I'm saying, or you might say you already do this. However, the clan council must not think your doing it "good enough". Also, just because I'm posting this doesn't mean I agree with what they say. I'm just explaining how you can take what they said and fix it.
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale
^i agree with this, it is a great point and i can help with anything you need me to do so pm me anytime.I shall be a member as soon as i recieve my new computer so i can play better and be more active with posts and ingame
[Believe] Leader l [RSO]
Wushu l Sparring l Parkour
We have systems like that in place, but I admit I wasn't able to keep up with them. Denial was mostly my own fault in that respect. I'm going to start keeping up with such systems in the next few days. If you get kicked, then it's your probably your own fault. You're not allowed to whine here and make excuses.

I'm also going to re-adjust ranks, the DSC, App, and the other forum (If I have time, PM me your ideas.)

We will become official. Maybe not today, maybe not next week, maybe not next month, but mark my words. Ethereal will be official in 2013.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]