Either way what's done is done.

Ave, if something like this happens in the future, please try to post it on the other forum because this seems like something that will be answered with short responses and probably look like spam.

On another note however, I looked back to see when i sent the Official application to Erth. It turns out it wasn't as long as we once thought. It's only been 4 weeks.

Originally Posted by Toriclans thread
Becoming an Official Clan
These are the requirements you must meet if you wish to apply to become an official clan. Your clan must:
  • Be at least 3 weeks old. We don't want clans dying while we vote on them.
  • Have at least 4 members.
  • Pay 50,000TC. If you want to become official, you have to earn it.
  • Have leaders which display competence and good leadership skills.
  • Have members who and behave respectfully and appropriately.

When you are ready, you can PM the following application and 50,000TC to a clan mod. The current clan mods are Fish, Uric, Brey, Lightningkid, Hamr, Erth and Delaid. If your clan gets rejected, you will get a 30,000TC refund. We don't give a full refund, this means if you are going to reapply, you take some time before hand to sort your clan out.

Clan Application
Clan name:
Clan tag:
Link to your clan's thread:
Link to any external forums if you are using any:
Clan subtitle: (optional)
Leaders name: (red and bold please)
Moderators you want for your board: (no more than 3)
If you get rejected, who to send the 30k refund to:

Once we receive the TC, your application will be posted in the hidden council board. The council members will discuss and vote on your clan. This usually takes about two to four weeks, please be patient. If you are over curious about how it's going, you may ask a clan mod for a quote so long as you ask nicely. ;o

Two to Four weeks, we should be getting a response in the near future guys!
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by LagSwitch View Post
Story of my life.

....What in the hell was that post?

Ave, how come you think Nyann kicked her?

Also, no to Mccqa.
guise uhm you about my activety im not gonna be on on mondays starting next week and btw uhm im not gonna be on tomorrow road trip so yea just want to notify so im not kicked
damn im gettin old
Ah, I come bearing bad news. We were denied, with no reason listed.

Screencap of PM

Now, this has just made my day horrible, I don't even know what we did wrong this time.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Lol, the countless amount of spam we have from some of our members/allies?
The amount of arguments we've had? Which shows that we're not such a happy family.
Who knows, but, we better not die.
Im srry guys about this. I feel sad too. I had such a good feeling this time but sadly it hasnt met my expectations. Theres always next time.
Hey anyone wanna play??
if so Pm me plz


Oh sorry...
@InfernoXZ Wanna play?
Last edited by Minguito; Oct 16, 2012 at 12:11 AM.
[Extreme]--> We are here (Cool Place)------------------------------------------u are all the way over There--->(Uncool) You
That is spam. You /sa for someone. Btw what are you guys going to do now since you guys got declined.
Man i want the clan war system back it is just so pointless to be in a clan without wars, clans have become groups with the benefit of tags, on that note, anyone know if it's coming back?
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