I remember once a classmate was cheating copying what I was putting so I did almsot everything wrong and when she handed in I corrected my test. She did not aprove and I had a 9/10 lolololol.

Not all the guys who repeated are like that, tho moat are.

Nice cat, I guess you were missing my suplexes, okno
i believe i can fly
i believe i can fuck the sky

also my earwax smells like peanut butter lol

also onsola you cant suplex lol you can just get lifted by noobs
Hey Universe,welcome and enjoy you stay.
well,i guess we must recruit Jupiter and Galaxy for our clan....

Onsola,once i made something similar,but i preffer not telling,this was shamefull and extremely bad
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Hey there, hey Universe, welcome to da hood, okno

Today we threw javelins at pe, it was quite fun imo, too bad we all sucked cause it was the first time lmao