i like that guy, he is very similar to me but im coding on php and phyton)
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
Very Nice App You've Made There, I Can Really Get A Sense Of The Effort Put In To It And How Much You Want To Get The Thumbs Up But I Must Say, Unless I'm VERY Much Mistaken, You Seem To Be An ALT. I Greatly Apologise If This Is In Fact Your First Toribash Account But Would You Mind If I Asked You The Name Of Your Main, How Long You've Been Playing The Game For And You Belt? (In Total). Anyhow, I Would Like To Get To Know You A Bit More. Mind If I Drop You A Friend Request On Skype? I Sure Would Like To Play You And Test Your Skill.

Thank You For Reading
P.s: Bad Post Count :-/

*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
I really like that app too, you put some effort in it and it looks good . Like Hassan said, I'd like to see your skills with my own eyes if possible :P. If it's not possible, then good luck making your way in
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
One of our main rules in WAPOW is that we don't accept alts(unless the reason is valid).

I still want to see your skills to see if I'm wrong, but I thought your replays were pretty average.

I did like your post however, very neat and well written.

I plan to see you in game soon, but if you don't pass my initial test, you might not be right for WAPOW.

Here's hoping for the best.

Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.
My application

Let me join cause i cool and good at game.
I like do mushu in of the game.
and i sometime fap when play toribash.
my belt yellow and i good at game.
I like do mushu in of the game.
and i sometime fap when play toribash.

Now let me join.

I promise i good

Send invite to Cartooner
So first i want to say HI! yeah so i have joined 2 clans before...but i was so retarded so i left them....literally i really have heard alot from u know "WAPOWers" and i really want to apply! well now about myself. my Favourite mod is parkour and spar (cant decide). and as u can tell.............i am brown belt...yuuppp...yeah so i am like pretty often on the forums, and this is the first time writing on the forums. well i love this clan and i would like to apply! btw i am young
well if this is a reply then i am STOPID.